Page 21 - Fall2020
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            assessed for safety. )                    started focusing on what I call the “four pillars   Metabolic
               Even with this improved approach, how-  of health”: nutrition, hydration, movement and   dysfunction
            ever, something was still missing. Lowering  peace.
            inflammation was helping some patients feel                                        drives chronic
            and do better, but others were not getting all  THE CELL DANGER RESPONSE           disease,
            the way better or would get better only to get   Over the past decade, San Diego researcher   and illness
            worse again. At that point, I began studying how  Dr. Robert Naviaux and his colleagues have
            our medical system’s commitment to Pasteur’s  refined a theory—dubbed the “cell danger   occurs
            germ theory had taken us off course. (Consider  response” (CDR)—that defines the healing  because
            that deaths from drug-resistant “superbugs”  cycle in metabolic terms.  The theory posits   the body is
            are expected to become the top cause of death  that “most chronic illnesses are caused by the
            by 2050. ) I became interested in Claude Ber-  biological reaction to an injury, not the initial in-  unable to
            nard’s terrain theory, and when I read Suzanne  jury or the agent of the injury.”  In other words,  complete
            Humphries’ book Dissolving Illusions: Disease,  metabolic dysfunction drives chronic disease,   the healing
            Vaccines, and the Forgotten History  —showing  and “illness occurs because the body is unable   process.
            the dramatic decline in infectious disease rates  to complete the healing process.” 15
            well before the introduction of vaccines—and   One of the important observations un-
            Dr. Tom Cowan’s book on vaccines and autoim-  derpinning the CDR is that the mitochondria
            munity,  it became even clearer that it really is  “change their function rapidly under stress,”
            the terrain that matters.                 with pro-inflammatory M1 mitochondria serv-
               I also began learning how epigenetic factors  ing a “battleship function” and anti-inflamma-
            can turn genes on and off and affect mitochon-  tory M2 mitochondria serving a “powerplant
            drial functioning. Factors that we know can  function” (see figure below).  When a cell
            have epigenetic effects include the gut microbes,  senses a stressor, it flips into M1 to deal with that
            movement (sitting has been called “the new  stressor, increasing free radicals and decreasing
            smoking”), hydration, nature and even one’s  energy production. Next, the cycle is supposed
            thoughts. The amazing book by Richard Louv,  to transition into M2, with energy increasing
            Last Child in the Woods,  proves how power-  and oxidative stress going back down.
            ful it can be just to get outside. Or consider the   This cycle probably worked well with the
            importance of circadian rhythm: Dr. Satchin  types of stressors encountered in Dr. Price’s
            Panda’s book The Circadian Code shows that  day (such as infectious diseases and trauma)
            something like fifty chronic diseases begin to  but is less suited to today’s continual onslaught
            affect rats when you feed them on a schedule that  of toxic exposures—pesticides, heavy metals,
            disrupts their circadian rhythm!  My practice  wireless radiation, processed foods and so on.

            FALL 2020                                Wise Traditions                                                   19
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