Page 25 - Fall2020
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and develop major problems. tioners who understand toxic iron will be happy Modern
Modern factors that drive copper out in- to prescribe therapeutic phlebotomy. However,
clude high-fructose corn syrup, antibiotics, oral you don’t need a doctor’s order—just go and factors that
birth control methods, synthetic vitamin D and donate blood. Heart disease researchers have drive copper
synthetic vitamin C (ascorbic acid). You should identified regular blood donation as an effective out include
avoid them. Dietary copper can also be lacking intervention for lowering cardiac risks linked high-fructose
due to demineralized crops and the absence of to excess iron, even in the absence of any other
organ meats in the diet. There is twice as much measures. Intermittent fasting, according to corn syrup,
copper in liver as iron, so eat your liver! Whole- Morley, can also be helpful. On the other hand, antibiotics,
food vitamin C is another source of bioavailable iron chelation appears to be only minimally oral birth
copper, as is high-quality bee pollen (which also helpful.
is rich in other trace minerals). Beware of copper One element of the iron story I have not control
supplements; the copper is not bioavailable, and yet discussed is the importance of vitamin A methods,
the body will have a very hard time using it. (retinol). Retinol is the backbone of the ferroxi- synthetic
dase enzyme that is so critical for chaperoning
RESTORING RESILIENCE iron, and retinol loads copper into ferroxidase. vitamin D
Excess iron and a lack of bioavailable cop- Interestingly, studies of anemia have illus- and synthetic
per will feed the “bad bugs” and shut down de- trated vitamin A’s importance. Although we vitamin C.
toxification enzymes, cellular energy production measure anemia via hemoglobin, adding iron
and cellular “exhaust” clean-up—thereby “rust- does not meaningfully restore normal hemo-
ing” you from the inside out. A primary strategy globin levels—but vitamin A does. In addition
for restoring resilience, therefore, should be to
ensure adequate bioavailable copper so that TABLE 2. SIGNS OF IRON OVERLOAD
ceruloplasmin can carry out its designated fer-
There are both “stops” and “starts” involved Autoimmune Chronic fatigue
in restoring an appropriate iron-copper balance. Diabetes mellitus
In terms of “stops,” individuals eating a Wise Elevated blood sugar
Traditions diet are probably already several Cardiac Heart attack
steps ahead, because they know enough not Heart failure
to eat processed, iron-fortified foods or ingest Irregular heart rhythm
synthetic supplements. If further tweaking is Hormonal Adrenal function problems
needed, the Root Cause Protocol is a helpful Hypogonadism
resource. In fact, many patients—even those Hypopituitarism
who have been committed to a Wise Traditions
diet for years—have told me that the Root Cause Liver Elevated liver enzymes
Enlarged liver and spleen
Protocol and the information about toxic iron Liver disease (cirrhosis, liver cancer)
were “missing links” in their quest for improved Rheumatic Joint pain
health and that they started to feel better once Osteoarthritis
they started addressing their mineral imbal- Osteoporosis
ances. The Root Cause Protocol is not a silver Sexual/Reproductive Infertility
bullet, but it seems to be a helpful approach that Impotence
a lot of people have overlooked. Loss of interest in sex
A recommended “start” is to get the iron Loss of period
out by periodically donating blood. (For women, Other Abdominal pain
this may be something to consider only after Depression
menopause, as menstruation is a natural form of Early-onset neurodegenerative problems
iron release. However, reproductive-age women Elevated iron (serum iron or serum ferritin)
who have a high consumption of iron-fortified Hair loss
foods can still accumulate excess iron.) Practi- Skin color changes
FALL 2020 Wise Traditions 23