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                                            WAPF MEMBERS-ONLY FACEBOOK GROUP

                  One of the benefits of WAPF membership is participation in the members-only Facebook group. Here's what
              members are saying:
              Carla T: “Where do I begin?! I feel privileged to be part of a community of like-minded people who ask brilliant ques-
              tions and provide factual and inspiring answers, who share food prep advice, who share recipes, who take this lifestyle
              so seriously. It's made a huge difference to me to know that this supportive community is at my fingertips.” Carla Tenzer
              Rose B.: “The Weston A. Price Foundation and the Madison Chapter were my go-to resources when I moved across
              country after retiring last year. I found a source of raw milk and other farm products, I found a local homeopath, almost
              local dentist and a local community to connect with. I've recently noticed that since 2000, almost all my food and health
              choices have been influenced by what I've learned from WAPF and the Facebook forum for members. I appreciate the
              tone of the discourse in this group, and the refusal to dip into political name-calling which is so prevalent elsewhere.”

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