Page 24 - Fall2020
P. 24

Excessive iron       it is an unbound or “free” form of iron that is  delivering electricity. In other words, iron is
             within cells     of particular concern.  This form of free iron,  structural, and copper is functional.
                              called cellular labile iron, pulls the trigger on the
                                                                           It can also be helpful to think of the copper-
              is a potent     inflammatory cascade. Framed in terms of the  iron relationship like a square dance; the copper
           driving force      cell danger response, free iron gets M1 “stuck”  is the caller, and the iron (the dancer) has got to
           for oxidative      and chronically “on.”                    keep moving (getting recycled) all the time. If
                                                                                      there is just a little extra iron,
              stress and      THE ROLE OF COPPER                                      that’s okay because we’ve got

         inflammation.           Copper and iron have                                 a storage mechanism. We can
                              an intertwined relation-                                store a little bit in case we
                              ship.  Copper is integral to                            need to grab some out of stor-
                              the metabolism of iron and                              age and make more red blood
                              facilitates iron absorption,                            cells. However, we need only
                              iron transportation, the re-                            to store a little, and mostly, we
                              lease of iron from storage                              need to be recycling it.
                              and the incorporation of                                    After iron enters a cell
                              iron into the hemoglobin.                               and does what it needs to do,
                              Copper also assists with                                it needs to shuttle out and
                              blood coagulation, blood   Ceruloplasmin carries copper   be recycled. That shuttle is
                              pressure control, cross-  in the blood and helps manage iron.  dependent on an important
                              linking of connective tis-                              enzyme called ferroxidase,
                              sues, CNS myelination, energy transformation,  which also governs iron storage. If ferroxidase
                              reproduction, hormone synthesis and more.    isn’t working, and can’t shuttle the iron out to
                                 Iron and copper are the only two metals  recycle or store it, where is the iron going to go?
                              in the body that can deal with oxygen. While  The answer is the “metabolic sink”—your mi-
                              iron delivers oxygen to the cells, it is copper (in  tochondria—and it’s going to mix with oxygen.
                              the form of copper-based enzymes or copper-  At that point, the oxidative free radical cascade
                              influenced enzymes) that activates the oxygen  that we have been discussing is going to ensue.
                              in the mitochondria to make usable energy.   Acting as a ferroxidase, an important
                              Think of iron as being like the steel beams in a  metal-binding protein called ceruloplasmin is
                              building, while copper is like the copper wiring  the major copper-carrying protein in the blood.
                                                                       Each ceruloplasmin molecule contains eight
                 TABLE 1. AMOUNT OF IRON IN SELECTED IRON-             atoms of bioavailable copper. One indicator of
                     FORTIFIED FOODS AND SUPPLEMENTS*                  ceruloplasmin’s importance is the fact that it
                   TYPE OF FOOD OR SUPPLEMENT          AMOUNT OF       contains one thousand forty-six amino acids; by
                                                        IRON (MG)      way of comparison, insulin has fifty-one. With
           Iron-only supplement (daily)                     65         adequate bioavailable copper, ceruloplasmin
           Fortified white flour (1 cup)                    32         performs twenty-four known functions in the
                                                                       body, most importantly the management of
           Women’s multivitamin/multimineral supplement (daily)  18
                                                                       iron. As discussed, this includes moving iron
           Fortified cold breakfast cereal (1 cup)        17-18        in and out of the cells, storing iron and building
           Enriched oatmeal (1 cup)                         14         hemoglobin.
                                                                           Remember my comments about the im-
           Iron-fortified infant formula (3.4 ounces)       12
                                                                       portance of getting rid of cellular “exhaust”?
           Enriched cornmeal (1 cup)                        7          Bioavailable copper is what activates the
           Iron-fortified rice cereal for babies (14 grams)  6         ferroxidase enzymes that clear out your “ex-
                                                                       haust.” When the copper is not available, the
           White bread (1 slice)                            1
                                                                       ceruloplasmin can no longer function as a fer-
            *The body is able to recycle twenty-four of the twenty-five milligrams of   roxidase—and if it’s not doing the ferroxidase
            daily iron that the red blood cells need. We need only about one milli-
              gram per day in dietary intake to replace the minimal amount lost.  job that it is supposed to do, you lose resiliency
         22                                       Wise Traditions                                    FALL 2020
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