Page 62 - Spring2008
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

                                     we didn’t see any effects on fertility at moderate  but interesting conscious choice, until I found
                                     levels of caffeine intake, which is the equivalent  them listed in one of the charts without any men-
                                     of three to four cups of coffee a day.” The inter-  tion of their damaging effect. Peas, you see, are

                                     ested reader will indeed find a number of sources  not quite the libido-lifting edibles you want to
                                     documenting the adverse effects of caffeine,  mix into your husband’s dinner salad, at least not
                                     including higher miscarriage rates (Bolumar et  if you’re trying to have a baby. They are one of
                                     al.,1997, 145(4):324-34), increased blood pres-  the few vegetables known to have contraceptive
                                     sure, excessive urinary excretion of magnesium,  properties (Cent African Journal of Medicine
                                     potassium and calcium (essential nutrients for  1993; 39(3):52-6).
                                     maintaining a healthy pregnancy), to name a few.     By no means am I implying that scientifi c
                                     And if none of these findings were convincing,  research is to be dismissed. But in case you’re

                                     when attempting to create a most welcoming  tempted to wait for the next study (Dr. Cha-
                                     environment for new life, wouldn’t it make more  varro has assured us that “Plans are underway
                                     sense to abstain from ingesting a substance that  to conduct a. . . study to test the diet in a more
                      In the last    leads to physical dependency serious enough to  scientifi cally rigorous manner. . . ”) to determine
                    14 years of      result in withdrawal symptoms?             your dinner menu, here is something I learned
                                         In the last 14 years of counseling women  observing hundreds of people who conceived
                     counseling        with ovulatory issues, I have found that eight out  robust babies, often in direct contradiction of
                  women with         of 10 women have digestive difficulties. I wonder  current food science dogma. When it comes to

                      ovulatory      about the effect of a four-cheese soufflé, a few  something as dynamic as a human organism, as
                  issues, I have     cups of coffee, a glass of wine, fruit desserts, and  complex as food, and as miraculous as creating
                                     nuts and berries for an evening snack—to name  life, nothing can equal the value of doing your
                     found that      but a few dietary suggestions in the back of the  own thinking and the solid science of direct
                    eight out of     book—on an already compromised digestive  observation.
                    10 women         system.                                    Reviewed by Julia Indichova, who is the author of Inconceiv-
                                         Oh, yes, many readers might miss the irony

                have digestive       of the lovely image of two peas in a pod on the   able (Doubleday 2001), and The Fertile Female (Adell Press,
                                                                                2007). Her webzine is focused on health-
                    difficulties.    jacket of the book. At first I thought it was an odd   enhancing approaches to fertility, pregnancy and adoption.

                                                        TWO NEW COOKBOOKS

                 LIVING, LOVING AND COOKING WITH MY DAUGHTER by Priscilla Smith: For those who are gluten intolerant but want to
                 cook the WAPF way, this book will provide you with many wonderful ideas—including gluten-free birthday cake. Priscilla
                 developed the recipes for her gluten-intolerant daughter and found that the whole family benefitted by going gluten-free.
                 It also contains great ideas for smoothies, snacks, pizza, casseroles and other foods children love. And the photos of food
                 and family are wonderful. Order from Priscilla at (410) 280-0423, or visit http://nourishingy-

                 WHOLESOME HOME COOKING: PREPARING NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS by Katie Stoltzfus: By contrast, this book is heavy
                 on the wheat products, which fortunately are mostly soaked or fermented. This collection of Pennsylvania Dutch recipes
                 includes some new ideas for lacto-fermented vegetables, casseroles and soups. There are several recipes for scrapple and
                 in the back you will find a nice list of herb blends and recipes for household items such as toothpaste and baby wipes. To
                 order, send $16 plus $5 for shipping to Katie L. Stoltzfus, 426 Stormstown Road, Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania 17505.

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