Page 66 - Spring2008
P. 66
Whey is quart of mineral-rich water, such as spring water temperature) and the length of time that makes
another (a quart canning jar size with about an inch left for the best brew for your family. A perfect batch
at the top), 4 to 6 tablespoons of grains and 3 to will result in a product with a nice sweet, neutral
culturing 4 tablespoons sugar. Dominic Anfi teatro, owner fl avor; an over-brewed batch will taste acidic
agent that is and operator of the informative culturing-art and leave a tangy taste in your mouth. After
well endowed website Dom’s Kefir In-site (http://users.chariot. the “soda” is done fermenting, it is time to add, says that kefi r grains in your fl avors; see “Soda Taste Boosters” for
with yeasts grow better with a non-refi ned, mineral-rich ideas.
and bacteria sweetener, such as Rapadura, muscovado or su- Here’s a brilliant idea. Dom adds a bio-
to activate the canat compared to a refined white product. (Note available calcium carbonate nutritional-kick by
that the grains will turn a light brown color due to including sea coral, limestone or eggshells to the
fermentation the minerals within these sweeteners.) Try other brewing water kefi r. The added mineral sources
sweeteners like barley malt or sorghum syrup or slowly dissolve into the liquid due to reactions
molasses to vary the fl avor. created during fermentation. A side benefi t is
Dom also makes a ginger root concoction improved growth of your kefi r grains.
by adding two to four tablespoons of freshly If you want to take a rest from brewing, put
grated ginger into an 8 cup batch of basic mix- a fermented batch in the fridge without straining
ture. In Europe, dried fruits are added (such for a week or two and then pick up where you
as raisins or figs) to add fl avor and additional left off. Also be sure to rinse the grains between
sugar. each batch to prevent a build-up of yeast that may
Cover the mixture tightly and allow it to sit reduce their growth.
anywhere from 24 to 48 hours (possibly longer
if it is in a cold spot). The longer it sits the more FERMENTED FRUIT JUICE
fermentation that occurs and the less sugar that AND FRUIT PEELINGS
is left. Plan to experiment to find where it fer- Nourishing Traditions has a wonderful rec-
ments best in your house (preferably at room ipe for lacto-fermented apple cider using freshly
Many sodas have a unique taste all their own; however, for some children, adding a little “boost” to make it even
more appealing to their tastes buds will increase your chances of regular consumption. Try adding one or more of the
items below. Bear in mind, straight fruit juice is not recommended for children (see “Taking the ‘Icky’ Out of Picky Eaters”
article on for an explanation as to why), however, it is my opinion that using a small amount is a
good compromise to make these nourishing beverages more drinkable and enjoyable—particularly for those parents trying
to compete with commercial soft drink choices. Most of the ideas below are added after your initial brew, but use your
imagination and have fun.
• Sparkling/soda water (gives it a bit of fizz) with a fruit juice or juice concentrate (see suggestions below)
• Grape, blueberry, blackberry or other nutrient-dense juice
• Pomegranate, blueberry or black cherry juice concentrate (found in a bottle, rather than a typical “fruit juice con-
• Sweetener: Stevia, maple syrup or a swirl of honey
• Ginger for ginger ale (added during fermentation or after)
• Lemon juice for lemonade or lime juice for limeade
• Vanilla, hazelnut or almond flavor extract
• Orange juice, orange extract or orange essential oil (just a drop or two)
• Fresh mint from the garden
• Peppermint tea, peppermint flavor extract or peppermint essential oil (just a drop or two)
• Brewed herbal tea or raw herbs—fruity flavors are tasty for kids and other herbal choices offer medicinal ben-
efits, such as elderberry for its antiviral activity, passionflower to calm frazzled nerves, or licorice to soothe a sore
• Mixed fermented beverage concoctions (see The Water Butterfly recipe)
• Herbal additions to try during a brew: licorice root, ginger, citrus zest, cinnamon stick, hibiscus or elder flowers
66 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008