Page 69 - Spring2008
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excellent blood tonic, promotes regularity, aids     Every family will have its unique preference or just a method or two
                 digestion, alkalizes the blood, cleanses the liver  that seems to work best in their kitchen, which is why trial and error is
                 and is a good treatment for kidney stones and  your best companion in this soda making process. With spring in the air,
                 other ailments. Beet kvass may also be used  it is the perfect time to take advantage of the hydrating and gut-nourish-
                 in place of vinegar in salad dressings and as  ing benefi ts of bodacious lacto-fermented beverages. It may seem a little
                 an addition to soups.” While this beverage is  intimidating at fi rst, but consider it a new “science experiment” with the
                 highly therapeutic, it may not be accepted with  kids and see what happens—most likely you will be pleasantly surprised
                 open arms by your little ones. It can be a bit too  with the tasty results!
                 “beety” for children and occasionally a bit too
                 salty. First, be sure to brew it long enough, and  Jen Allbritton is a Certifi ed Nutritionist and has been researching and writ-
                 consider allowing it to “age” in the fridge for a  ing on all topics of nutrition for over 10 years. She lives in Colorado with
                 while after it has completed fermentation at room  her husband and two sons, and spends lots of time in the kitchen cooking
                 temperature to further round out its fl avor. Also  up WAPF-friendly creations. If you have topic suggestions you would like
                 be sure to use fresh beets. The amount of salt  to learn more about, contact her at
                 could also be slightly reduced. Finally, try the
                 “Soda Taste Boosters” to make it a touch more  REFERENCES
                 soda-like. Try, for example, a little sparkling   1. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing. 2001 p. 585.
                 water and a few tablespoons of a fruit juice or   2.  Enig, Mary. and Fallon, Sally. Eat Fat Lose Fat. Hudson Street Press. 2005 p.
                 juice concentrate.                         3. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing. 2001 p. 584.
                                                            4. Hentges, D.J. Human Intestinal Microflora in Health and Disease. New York:

                 KOMBUCHA                                      Academic Press, 1983.
                      While this lacto-fermented beverage   5.  Dom’s Kefir In-site found at
                                                               html#alternativekefi r.
                 takes a bit more work than the others discussed,   6.   McGee, Harold. On Food and Cooking. The Science and Lore of the Kitchen.
                 many people are drawn to its taste. This tea is   Fireside Books. 1984. p. 448.
                 produced using a “mushroom fungus” which   7. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing. 2001 p. 598.
                 is actually a symbiotic colony of bacteria and   8.  Kefir In-site found at
                                                               html#alternativekefi r.
                 yeasts. The “mushroom” is placed in a freshly   9.  Ibid.
                 prepared infusion of tea and sugar. It then fer-  10.  Ibid.
                 ments and oxidizes. Essentially, the fungus will   11.  Katz Sandor Ellix. Wild Fermentation. Chelsea Green Publishing. 2003. p. 89.
                 feed on sugar and in return produce a range of   12.  Farnworth, Edward R. Kefi r: a complex probiotic. Food Research and Develop-
                                                               ment Centre, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
                 healthy organic acids, many vitamins, amino   J2S 8E3. Found at http://www.ifi
                 acids and antibiotic substances. Mix things up   13.  Wood, Rebecca. Home Brewed Cider. Found at
                 to a base batch of kombucha by adding herbal   Home_Brewed_Cider.htm.
                 teas to the brew, such as raspberry or another   14. Fallon, Sally. Nourishing Traditions. NewTrends Publishing. 2001 p. 610.
                                                            15. - Günther W. Frank, “Kombucha - Healthy beverage
                 family favorite. Of course, the “Taste Boosters”   and Natural Remedy from the Far East.” W. Ennsthaler, A-4402 Steyr, copy-
                 found on page 66 can be added after brewing is   right©1995.
                 complete to really make things sparkle. And if it   16.  Wood, Rebecca. Home Brewed Cider. Found at
                 turns flat, add a touch of fruit or Rapadura after   17.  Dom’s Kefir In-site found at

                 you decant, cap it tightly and it will get fi zzy   html#Grape-juice_Kefi r.
                 again, even in the fridge.

                                                             NEED MORE HELP?

                        There is much more to know and more experiments to do than presented in this article. This information is meant
                   to inspire and inform the reader about all the fun fermented beverage options available and provide a bit of simple direc-
                   tion. For more, refer to the resources mentioned and contact your local WAPF chapter (see for
                   listings). Also, check out the many WAPF-focused chat groups on One chat group in particular is “Microbial
                   Nutrition” (, which holds detailed discussions regarding all
                   things microbial; it is fascinating!

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