Page 73 - Spring2008
P. 73

Soy Alert!

                                         STRIKING AT THE SOY HEART HEALTH CLAIM
                                                   By Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN

                      February 19 was a big day for the Weston  STANDARD OF SCIENTIFIC AGREEMENT
                 A. Price Foundation. President Sally Fallon and     Our petition pointed out that according to
                 Secretary Geoffrey Morell delivered a 65-page  section 403 (4) (3) (B) (i) of the Federal Food,

                 petition to the offices of the FDA in Rockville,  Drug and Cosmetic Act, FDA can authorize a
                 Maryland, in which the Foundation strongly  health claim only if the standard of signifi cant
                 urged the agency to retract the soy-prevents-heart  scientifi c agreement is met. In fact, our review of
                 disease health claim. This is the claim that people  the scientifi c literature on soy and heart disease
                 read when they visit grocery stores and pick up  indicated that soy protein does not reliably lower
                 packages of soy milk, veggie burgers and oth-  cholesterol, does not lower homocysteine, does
                 er soy products that                                              not prevent heart
                 contain more than 6                                               disease and may
                 grams per serving of                                              cause, contribute to
                 soy protein. This FDA                                             or accelerate the de-
                 health claim greatly                                              velopment of heart
                 bolstered soy’s repu-                                             disease, particularly
                 tation as a “miracle                                              heart arrhythmias
                 food” and boosted                                                 and cardiomyopa-
                 sales from under one                                              thy, an increasingly
                 billion dollars per year                                          prevalent condition   In approving
                 in 1999 to more than                                              that afflicts one in
                 four billion dollars                                              500 Americans and  the health
                 just a few years later.   Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price   is the leading cause   claim in
                      In addition to  Foundation, submits the Foundation’s petition and   of death in young   1999, the
                 myself and Sally Fal-  comments to the FDA on February 19, 2008.  athletes.
                 lon, our petition was                                                  We  pointed FDA relied
                 signed by three world-                                           out that in approving   heavily on
                 class scientists: Kilmer S. McCully, MD, father of  the health claim in 1999, the FDA relied heavily   studies on
                 the homocysteine theory of heart disease, winner  on studies on soy and cholesterol that were deeply
                 of the 1998 Linus Pauling Award and author of  fl awed because of the routine use of casein as  soy and

                 The Homocysteine Revolution and The Heart  the control. Casein is a fractionated milk protein   cholesterol
                 Revolution; Mary G. Enig, PhD, the world re-  product that is high in the amino acid methionine   that were
                 nowned biochemist and nutritionist who exposed  and seriously defi cient in cysteine. Research at
                 the dangers of trans fats in the food supply back  the Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka Univeristy,  deeply flawed

                 in the 1970s, vice president of WAPF, author of  Japan, has shown that compared to other proteins,   because
                 Know Your Fats and co-author of Eat Fat Lose  casein will signifi cantly raise total cholesterol   of the
                 Fat and Nourishing Traditions; and Galen D.  levels and lower HDL levels. Therefore, casein is
                 Knight, PhD, a biochemist who has carried out  an extremely poor control in terms of evaluating  routine use of
                 pioneering research on the role of vitalethine in  soy protein’s effect on cholesterol.   casein as the
                 humoral immunity and cancer development.
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