Page 78 - Spring2008
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FDA regarding MSG and aspartame, we know that MSG-sensitive people Although Adrienne asked that The Wall Street
react similarly to aspartame, and aspartame-sensitive people react similarly Journal write a follow-up article in which they
to MSG, providing that they ingest amounts that exceed their individual would disclose the dangers of MSG, she received
tolerances for these two food additives. no response to this request. So much for balanced
In McLaughlin’s article, it should also be noted that she explained how reporting.
monosodium glutamate was produced, but conveniently failed to mention
the fact that the process includes the use of bioengineered bacteria, and CSPI
that at least up to 2001, the process used enzymes derived from pigs. The The only semblance of balance in The
fact that Arabs, Jews and vegetarians do not consume pork did not appear Wall Street Journal article was the statement
to bother Ajinomoto until this fact was disclosed in Indonesia. that McLaughlin contacted Michael Jacobson,
Make no mistake, fifth taste or not, MSG causes brain lesions and executive director of the Center for Science in
subsequent endocrine disorders, and adverse reactions that can vary from the Public Interest (CSPI) to ask his opinion on
a simple skin rash or flushing to debilitating and life-threatening conditions the MSG issue. CSPI has gained the reputation
such as migraine headaches, obesity, diabetes, asthma, heart irregulari- of being a strong advocate for consumer health
ties, 10,11 seizures, 12,13 and mood disorders. 14 and is highly respected by most members of
Congress—respect obviously fueled, at least in
MORE SALES PROMOTIONS part, by regular “lobbying” visits by CSPI’s legal
It apparently was not enough for The Wall Street Journal to help affairs director, Bruce Silverglade.
promote MSG. Evidently, Ajinomoto asked the publication to also help Jacobson stated, “I don’t see normal
promote one of their new products. The product I refer to is made by Seno- amounts of MSG as posing a risk to the vast
myx and is a chemical developed to mimic the same fl avor enhancement majority of people.” Jacobson must clearly know
as MSG, apparently using the same neurological pathways in the body as that MSG is a problem for a large percentage of
does MSG. the population, but he obviously must be care-
In about the middle of 2007, Ajinomoto expanded an agreement they ful of what he says of MSG toxicity since he
had with Senomyx, Inc. to market the Senomyx MSG replacement product has taken a strong position promoting the use
in the United States and Canada. Formerly, Ajinomoto was authorized to of lowfat and fat-free foods, foods that, in most
market the Senomyx MSG-enhancer in Japan and Asia. cases, would not be palatable without the addi-
As previously reported, Senomyx’s product has excited many major tion of some MSG. Furthermore, Jacobson has
companies in the processed food industry because it is so powerful that a reputation among activists on individual food
the amount needed in food is small enough to not require approval by issues to downplay issues on which CSPI is not
any governmental agency. Furthermore, when used in processed food, the leader.
it will be described on the label as “artifi cial flavor” or “artifi cial fl avor- Many years ago, the Truth in Labeling
ing,” label descriptors that are considered, through an act of Congress, to Campaign approached CSPI, led by its execu-
be proprietary and therefore not subject to disclosure. Consequently, the tive director, Michael Jacobson, to ask for their
presence of Senomyx will never be disclosed on a product label—unless help and support in making people aware of the
an individual company decides to do so—thereby achieving the “clean toxicity of MSG and to require full disclosure of
label” food processors have long desired for MSG-containing foods. MSG on food labels. We approached this non-
profit agency because the agency is well known
BALANCED REPORTING? in Congress, and well known by many health-
My wife, Adrienne Samuels, PhD, wrote to Katy McLaughlin, of conscious people.
The Wall Street Journal, as well as to the editor of the newspaper, and the At that time, the people at CSPI claimed to
editor of the Weekend Section to express her concerns regarding the article. be well aware of the dangers of MSG, and gave
The only response she received was from Katy McLaughlin. us the impression that they would be supportive
In Ms. McLaughlin’s reply to Adrienne, she indicated that her article of our work. However, as time passed, Michael
was appropriate because she fully identified where her information came Jacobson and his staff began to work to defeat
from. For example, she stated, “Some of the biggest promoters of the idea our cause. In one case, a respected independent
that there are umami-rich alternatives to MSG in many foods we eat are journalist was going to cover testimony at a Fed-
MSG makers themselves.” She went on to say that “all research that was eration of American Societies for Experimental
funded in part by Ajinomoto or other ingredient companies was identifi ed. Biology (FASEB) meeting organized to hear
I feel the story was very clear in explaining where information came from.” testimony on the subject of the safety of MSG in
78 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008