Page 80 - Spring2008
P. 80

NAIS Update

                                                          By Judith McGeary

                                          Informed farmers and consumers have  feel USDA has not been aggressive enough in

                                     been fighting the National Animal Identifi cation  implementing NAIS. Many of the members of
                                     System, or NAIS, for several years now. For new-  the Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee
                                     comers, this is an agribusiness-government plan  (which decides funding issues) have been led
                                     to require every person who owns any livestock  to believe that NAIS is a food safety measure,
                                     animal to register their property with the state  and so they are prepared to increase funding
                                     and federal governments. The NAIS would cover  if USDA shows greater success in using the
                                     anyone who owns even one chicken, horse, cow,  funds.
                                     sheep, goat, pig, turkey, guinea, elk, deer, bison,     During meetings with the key staff to these
                                     or other livestock or poultry. The next phases of  members of Congress, I have explained why
                                     NAIS call for tagging each animal with a 15-  NAIS is not a food safety measure. In reality,

                                     digit identification number and reporting their  NAIS will actually reduce food safety by favor-
                                     movements to a database within 24 hours. The  ing confi nement operations, reducing organic
                                     burdens, in both time and money, would drive  and grass-based operations, and leading to more
                                     many grass-based farmers out of business, and  consolidation of the food supply. Unfortunately,
                                     consumers would lose much of their access to  during a February, 2008 hearing, several mem-
                                     nutrient-dense animal foods.               bers of the subcommittee indicated that they
                                          The USDA released its original plan for  still think NAIS should be made mandatory. It
                                In     NAIS in May 2005, sparking a grassroots outcry  is critical that they hear from the public! See the

                   reality, NAIS  that has spread across the country. USDA’s more  sidebar to this article on page XX for contact in-
                    will reduce      recent documents call for the program to be  formation and how you can make a difference.
                    food safety      implemented by the states, subject to the federal
                                     guidelines and driven by federal funding. So the  THE FARM BILL
                     by favoring  fi ght to stop NAIS requires action at both the     The Farm Bill is a massive bill passed
                  confinement        federal and state levels.                  every five years, which provides for everything

                    operations,      FEDERAL FUNDING FOR NAIS                   from Food Stamps to crop subsidies to conserva-
                                                                                tion programs to energy policy. The 2007 Farm
                       reducing           The good news is that we made signifi cant  Bill involved NAIS, as well. As discussed in
                   organic and       progress in stopping federal funding for NAIS.  previous issues of Wise Traditions, the House
                    grass-based      For the last three years, Congress has provided  Agriculture Committee proposed implement-
                                     $33 million of funding for NAIS each year. The  ing mandatory animal identifi cation as part
                    operations,  USDA requested that same amount of funding  of Country of Origin Labeling, but the outcry
                      and lead-      this year. But the omnibus spending bill passed  from FARFA and other farming and consumer

                    ing to more      by Congress in December 2007 contained only  organizations kept that provision out.
                                     $9.75 million in funding for NAIS. This is less
                                                                                     Unfortunately, the Senate proved to be a
                     consolida-      than a third of the funding USDA wanted!   more difficult forum for us. The Senate version

                     tion of the          Behind the celebration, however, there is  of the Farm Bill included Section 10305, which
                   food supply.      cause for concern. Some members of Congress  would require the USDA to adopt regulations
                                     supported the reduced funding because they  consistent with the Freedom of Information Act
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