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                            CORPORATE               INDIVIDUAL      Ms. Denise Fuller         Ms. Mary Ann O’Brien
                    Academy of Spirit       Ms. Nancy H. Accola     Ms. Barbara Geatches      Ms. Pamela Perrin
                    A. F. Kombucha          Mr. & Mrs. Blake & Stephanie Alexandre   Mr. Troy A. Gerleman   Mr. Peter Lehn Petersen
                    Amazon Herb Company     Mr. Alkmini Anastasiadou   Ms. Mia Gleason        Ms. Carol Peterson
                    The Arnold & Jeanne Bernstein Fund  Mrs. Lucille Avakian   Mr. Lawrence E. Gold   Dr. Richard Pooley, MD
                    Bio Energetic Technologies  Mr. Bill Bahan      Ms. Louise Googins        Mr. Lou Preston
                    Body Ecology, Inc.      Dr. Bessheen Baker      Mr. Winston Gordon        Mr. Thomas Pritchard and Ms. Jody Rhone
                    Caldwell Bio Fermentation Canada, Inc.   Ms. Margaret Baldwin  Ms. Patricia Groves   Ms. Lyn Rales
                    Chelsea Green Publishing  Ms. Lucille Balukian   Ms. Susie Hagemeister    Mr. Brian Roesler
                    Clear EMF               Dr. John Barone, DC     Ms. Susie Hale            Mr. Hal Rosenblatt
                    The Community Foundation  Mrs. Glendia Beck     Ms. Alice Hall            Miss Diana Roth
                    Dr. Ron’s Ultra-Pure    Mrs. Stacey Beer        Ms. Donna Handler         Mrs. Charlotte Ruechel
                    Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund  Mr. & Mrs. Louis Bender  Ms. Cadence Healing   Mr. & Mrs. Ralph & Sheila Schlatter
                    Garden of Life          Mrs. Karen Betten       Dr. Robert L. Henderson, MD   Mrs. Jean Schneider
                    Grain & Salt Society    Mr. David Bjork         Ms. Janice Henslee        Mr. Arno Sewall
                    Grainfields Australia   Mr. Robert Brady        Ms. Mary Hetherington     Dr. Allan & Jeannette Sexton
                    Green Pasture Products   Dr. Anjenette Brightman   Ms. Adrienne N. Hew, CN  Mr. & Mrs. Todd & Stephanie Shearer
                    Grindstone Bakery       Ms. Mary Budinger       Mr. Ulrich Honighausen    Mr. Lee Sheehan
                    Hahn Natural Foods      Dr. Larry Burk, MD      Ms. Sue Horvath           Mr. Lee Sheehan
                    Hawthorne University    Ms. Patricia Callan     Ms. Carolyn Kris” Johnson”   Dr. Raymond Silkman, DDS
                    Health by Choice        Dr. Robert M. Carlson   Mr. Ron Keith             Mr. Kerry Skelton
                    Health Freedom Foundation  Dr. Robert M. Carlson   Mr. Ron Keith          Ms. Sonja Skyles
                    Healthy Muse, Inc.      Ms. Lorraine R. Carlstrom   Mr. Charles Kendall   Ms. Dawn M. Small
                    Holistic Personal Training Services  Mr. Joseph Cass   Ms. Kate McNay Koch   Mrs. Norma Smith
                    I G charitable Foundation  Mr. Paul Cesano      Ms. Kirsten Krause        Dr. R.P. Sowers, III
                    Jungle Products         Mr. Patrick Chamberlain   Mr. Michael Lansky      Dr. R.P. Sowers, III
                    Lapp Farmstead Cheese   Mr. Richard S. Chambers   Ms. Ann M. Lauritzen    Ms. Amy Steffen and Dr. Linda Stern
                    The Forrest & Frances Lattner Foundation  Mr. & Mrs. James & Lori Christensen  Drs. Lee & Michele Lausch   Mr. Dan Steinberg
                    Masuya Miso             Ms. Lee Clifford, MS, CCN   Drs. Lee & Michele Lausch   Mr. Roderick Swartz
                    Miller’s Organic Farm   Ms. Gloria Clough       Ms. Lauana Lei            Mrs. Heike Tabatabai
                    National Integrated Health Associates  Mr. Christapher Cogswell  Mr. Benjamin Lemke   Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Grace Tate
                    Needak Manufacturing    Mr. John Coles and Ms. Christine Solem  Ms. Susan Lloyd   Ms. Gail Tomura
                    Next Generation Organic Dairy   Ms. Tammy Collier   Ms. Susan Heywood Loomis   Mrs. Maria Townsend
                    NewTrends Publishing    R.D. Cowling            Ms. Ann Macrory           Mr. Gerry Tuten
                    Northern Trust          Ms. Carolyn Crumb       Mr. H. Rick Mashhoon      Mr. & Mrs. William Velotta
                    Our Maker’s Acres       Ms. Janice Curtin       Mr. Keith Matthei         Mr. Gary A. Via
                    The Parks Foundation    Dr. Eric Kenneth Davis, BDSc   Mr. Stu McCarty, II and Ms. Lynn I Thor  Mrs. Rosie Vincent
                    Purely Green Environmental, LLC  Mr. Anthony de Bruyn   Mr. James McEwan   Dr. Erik Von Kiel, MD
                    Quality        Dr. Bill Delong         Dr. Frank Melograna, MD   Drs. Brian and Mary Vonk
                    Radiant Life Company    Ms. Sandy Demeree       Ms. Mary Memminger        Ms. Ida Walters
                    Real Salt - Redmond Trading Co.   Mr. Mitchell Diamond   Mr. Amos B. Miller   Mr. John Ward
                    Rhino Publishing        Ms. Eva Dillon          Mr. & Mrs. Gregory & Deanna Miller   Mr. & Mrs. John & Patti Warnke
                    Sea Mineral.Com         Dr. Dagmar Ehling, DOM, MAc  Ms. Linda Miller     Ms. Sally & Bart Wellenstein
                    Siberian Tiger Naturals, Inc.   Dr. Mary Enig, PhD, FACN,   Mrs. Ann Monnin   Dr. Bruce West, DC
                    The Christopher Smale Foundation  Ms. Sally Fallon   Mr. Christopher Lyall Morrill   Mr. & Mrs. David & Barbara Wetzel
                    Smith Barney Charitable Trust   Ms. Lisa Farnsworth   Ms. Jodi Mount      Mr. & Mrs. H. H. Wetzel, Jr.
                    Standard Process, Inc.   Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Priscilla Farr   Mr. G. Eric Moyer   Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Wetzel, III
                    Thrivent Financial for   Mr. Jim Fealy          Mrs. Cynthia C. Murphy    Mr. Dermot Kieran Whelan
                     Lutheran Foundation    Mr. Mark Feichtmeir     Mrs. Linda M. Newkirk     Mr. John Wood
                    Truly Cultured          Dr. Dale R. Feister     Mr. Wilmer S. Newswanger   Ms. Pamela Woollis
                    U.S. Wellness Meats     Mr. Torre Forrest       Ms. Kathryn Nice          Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Eva Jo Wu
                    Vital Choise Seafood    Ms. Laura Freysinger and Mr. Chris Dowley  Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Maryann Nolt   Mr. James York
                    Waiora                  Dr. Jason L. Frichtl, DC      Mrs. Elise Noonan
                                        BACK ISSUES OF WiseTraditions AND INFORMATIVE LITERATURE
                   Spring 2005:    Vitamin B ; Liver; Cobalt in Agriculture; The China Study; Making Yogurt
                   Summer 2006:   Modern Bread; Recovery from Celiac; Naked Oats; Cloth Diapers; Gluten-Free Recipes; Sunburn
                   Fall 2006:    Is Vitamin D Toxic? Sunlight and Melanoma; Saturated Fat Attack; Varicose Veins; Picky Eaters
                   Winter 2006:    History of Organic Agriculture; Making Our World GM-Free; Vitamin D for Infants; Legumes
                   Fall 2007:    Cardiotonics; Roles of Cholesterol; CoEnzyme Q10; Cholesterol and Stroke; Pacific Northwest Diet
                   Winter 2007:   Children’s Issue: Gut and Psychology Syndrome; Vitamins for Fetal Development, Traditional Remedies
                                            (All articles from sold-out magazines are posted at
                                 Back issues are $10 each, plus $2 shipping and handling for one and $1 per issue for two or more.

                   Healthy Baby Issue: Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Baby Formula; Vaccinations; Baby Food; Gut and Psychology Syndrome
                   NEW! Heart Disease Issue: What Causes Heart Disease? Benefits of High Cholesterol; Oiling of America and more
                                  Special issues are $12, plus $2 shipping and handling for one and $1 per issue for two or more.

                                       28-page Dietary Guidelines Booklets are $1 each (includes shipping & handling)
                                   28-page Dietary Guidelines Booklets in Spanish are $1 each (includes shipping & handling)
                   Flyers:       Real Milk             Soy Alert!           How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer with Food
                                 All About Trans Fats    Cow-Share Programs    Myths & Truths About Cholesterol    Why Butter is Better

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                 SPRING 2008                                Wise Traditions                                            85
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