Page 84 - Spring2008
P. 84

thirteen failed bills may sound discouraging, the  CONCLUSION
                                     grassroots movement actually made incredible     Stopping NAIS is a long-term battle,
                                     strides in 2007. And now, in 2008, more states are  and winning it will require the efforts of both
                                     introducing anti-NAIS bills! There are some suc-  consumers and farmers all over the country.
                                     cess stories, most notably Nebraska’s adoption  The Weston A. Price Foundation sends out
                                     of a law limiting NAIS to a voluntary program  action alerts at many of the critical moments,
                                     only. And even where bills have failed, they are  and it’s important that everyone take action in
                                     gaining more support than they did in 2007,  response! If you are willing and able to devote
                                     showing the growing strength of the grassroots  a little more time to help in the fi ght, there are
                                     movement.                                  numerous things you can do to: (1) put out edu-
                                          The exact kind of bill that’s introduced var-  cational materials at your local farmers’ market,
                                     ies from state to state. That’s because each state is  feed store, or riding stable; (2) collect petition
                                     starting from a different position. In some states,  signatures; (3) have a face-to-face meeting with
                                     pro-NAIS forces pushed through legislation to  your state legislators, and ask them to sponsor a
                                     create a mandatory NAIS before most people  bill to stop NAIS; (4) organize a public meeting
                                     were even aware of the issue. In those states,  to educate your community. You don’t need to
                                     people face the prospect of their state agency  do all of these things. What’s important is to do
                                     implementing a mandatory program whenever  something! You can fi nd materials to help with
                                     it feels like it!                          all of these efforts at www.farmandranchfree-
                                          In other states, the pro-NAIS forces weren’t
                                     as organized, there is no law authorizing NAIS,
                                     and therefore the grassroots community has  Judith McGeary is an attorney and small farmer
                                     a little more breathing room. Each state also  in Austin, Texas, the Executive Director of the
                                     differs in the strength of its organic and local  Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance, and a local
                                     foods movement, as well as the strength of the  chapter leader of WAPF. She has a BS in Biol-
                                     pro-NAIS forces (the feedlots and meat packers,  ogy from Stanford University and a JD from
                                     the technology companies and the industrial ag-  The University of Texas at Austin. She and her
                                     riculture associations). Depending on the exist-  husband run a small grass-based farm with
                                     ing laws and the strength of the pro-NAIS forces,  Quarter Horses, cattle, sheep, and heritage
                                     the citizens of each state have to make a decision  breeds of poultry.
                                     about the best strategy for their state at a specifi c
                                     point in time. We support everyone’s efforts to
                                     stop NAIS and protect our food supply.
                                          To borrow a comment from a Texas activ-
                                     ist: “I understand the argument about the camel’s
                       Stopping      nose under the tent. But with NAIS, the camel has    DAMAGED JOURNALS
                                                                                        If your journal arrives torn up and
                       NAIS is a     already moved into the tent and is re-arranging     damaged, please call the office right away
                                     the furniture. Whatever we can do to push him
                      long-term  back out is good.” The big industry and govern-   and we will send a replacement.
                                                                                        Usually about a dozen journals get
                    battle, and      ment players have spent 20 years developing     damaged with each mailing—out of a total
                winning it will      and implementing NAIS, and it is going to take   of over 10,000. It is more cost effective
                                     a long, hard fight to push them back. Each bill,

                    require the  each battle, sets the stage for the next one.     and environmentally responsible for us to
                                                                                   replace damaged journals than to put all
                efforts of both           See page 83 for the status of the state NAIS   of them in envelopes, an effort that would
                    consumers        legislation as of February 15, 2008. You can fi nd   add at least $1,000 to the cost of each
                                     out more information on each state by going to
                   and farmers           So, if you receive a journal that has
                    all over the     updates.                                      been through the wringer, just give us a
                                                                                   call to let us know and we’ll put another
                        country.                                                   one in the mail to you pronto.

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