Page 81 - Spring2008
P. 81


                        One of the key fights over NAIS will be over this year’s funding for the program. It is critical that the members of the
                   Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees hear from people who are opposed to NAIS!

                   WHOM SHOULD I CALL? The chair and ranking member of each committee take input from people all over the country.
                   So everyone should call Rep. DeLauro, Rep. Kingston, Senator Kohl, and Senator Bennett. In addition, if one of the com-
                   mittee members is from your state, then call him or her. Even if you are not in their district, as committee members they
                   should be interested in what their state’s citizens have to say.

                   WHAT DO I SAY? Ask to speak to the staffer who handles the issue of agricultural appropriations. Have a discussion with
                   the staffer about why you are against NAIS, including the way the federal funding is encouraging mandatory, coercive,
                   and misleading implementation methods at the state level. Give them concrete examples of how NAIS will impact your
                   life and your community. Ask them about the Congressperson’s position, and try to address any concerns they have about
                   opposing NAIS.

                   WHAT’S NEXT? Follow-up with a thank you, and additional information to address any concerns the staffer raised. If you
                   need help, contact


                               Chair: Rosa DeLauro (D-CT):         (p) 225-3661    (f) 225-4890
                               Ranking Member: Jack Kingston (R-GA):   (p) 225-583    (f) 226-2269
                               Sam Farr (D-CA):                    (p) 225-2861    (f) 225-6791
                               F. Allen Boyd (D-FL):               (p) 225-5235   (f) 225-5615
                               Sanford Bishop (D-GA):              (p) 225-3631   (f) 225-2203
                               Tom Latham (R-IA):                  (p) 225-5476   (f) 225-3301
                               Jesse Jackson (D-IL):               (p) 225-0773   (f) 225-0899
                               Ray LaHood (R-IL):                  (p) 225-6201   (f) 225-9249
                               Rodney Alexander (R-LA):            (p) 225-8490   (f) 225-5639
                               Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO):              (p) 225-4404   (f) 226-0326
                               Steven Rothman (D-NJ):              (p) 225-5061   (f) 225-5851
                               Maurice Hinchey (D-NY):             (p) 225-6335   (f) 226-0774
                               Marcy Kaptur (D-OH):                (p) 225-4146   (f) 225-7711

                               Chair: Herbert Kohl (D-WI):         (p) 224-5653   (f) 224-9787
                               Ranking Member: Robert Bennett (R-UT):  (p) 224-5444   (f) 228-1168
                               Dianne Feinstein (D-CA):            (p) 224-3841   f) 228-3954
                               Tom Harkin (D-IA):                  (p) 224-3254   (f) 224-9369
                               Larry Craig (R-ID):                 (p) 224-2752   (f) 228-1067
                               Richard Durbin (D-IL):              (p) 224-2152   (f) 228-0400
                               Sam Brownback (R-KS):               (p) 224-6521   (f) 228-1265
                               Mitch McConnell (R-KY):             (p) 224-2541  (f) 224-2499
                               Christopher Bond (R-MO):            (p) 224-5721   (f) 224-8149
                               Thad Cochran (R-MS):                (p) 224-5054   (f) 224-9450
                               Byron Dorgan (D-ND):                (p) 224-2551   (f) 224-1193
                               Ben Nelson (D-NE):                  (p) 224-6551   (f) 228-0012
                               Arlen Specter (R-PA):               (p) 224-4554   (f) 228-1229
                               Jack Reed (D-RI):                   (p) 224-4642   (f) 224-4680
                               Tim Johnson (D-SD):                 (p) 224-5842   (f) 228-5765

                 SPRING 2008                                Wise Traditions                                            81
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86