Page 86 - Spring2008
P. 86

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                                        PASTEURIZATION DOES HARM RAW MILK!
                                                                    By Robert Irons, PhD

                                          Proponents of raw milk know that govern-  poultry, ground beef, and eggs thoroughly before
                                     ment websites and reports on raw milk are fi lled  eating. Do not eat or drink foods containing raw
                                     with bias and even outright errors. I recently wrote  eggs, or raw unpasteurized milk” (http://www.
                                     to the Centers for Disease Control to point out
                                     a serious error on their website. My comments  sis_g.htm).
                                     apply to milk in general, regardless of species,      However, later on this page we read:
                                     because pasteurization degrades the nutritional  “Mother’s milk is the safest food for young in-
                                     value of all species’ milk in the same manner.  fants. Breastfeeding prevents salmonellosis and
                                     Just as a calf cannot thrive on pasteurized cow’s  many other health problems.”
                                     milk, so a human baby fails to thrive on pasteur-     In one instance the CDC warns not to
                                     ized mother’s milk.                        drink unpasteurized milk, and seven points
                                                                                later—within the same section—states that an
                                     NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF RAW MILK              unpasteurized milk (i.e., mother’s milk) is the
                                          In paragraph two of a section entitled  safest food for young infants and that breast-
                                     “Pasteurization Is Key to Making Dairy Products  feeding prevents salmonellosis and many other
                    A Campaign       Safe” is the statement “Pasteurization does not  health problems. This is highly misleading to the
                  for Real Milk      harm the nutritional value of milk and cheese”  average citizen.
                  is a project of    (  GROWTH IN PREMATURE BABIES
                 the Weston A.            This statement is erroneous, misleading,     There is no question that pasteurization
                            Price    and factually incorrect. Many nutrients and im-  compromises the nutritional value of breast milk.
                    Foundation.      mune-enhancing components are destroyed by  For example, research carried out in 1986 came
                       To obtain     exposure to high heat and the temperatures used  to the following conclusion (emphasis mine):
                    some of our      during pasteurization. Vitamin A is degraded,  “As part of a randomised controlled study to
                                     proteins and enzymes are denatured, and immu-
                                                                                assess the effect of pasteurization of breast milk
                     informative     noglobulins are destroyed.                 on the growth of very-low-birth-weight infants,
                      Real Milk                                                 the longitudinal changes in serum calcium, phos-
                      brochures,     VITAMIN A                                  phorus, alkaline phosphatase, 25-hydroxyvitamin
                     contact the          Regarding vitamin A, an important fat-  D, and bone-gla-protein concentrations were
                  Foundation at      soluble nutrient, a paper on this subject published  investigated. Infants fed untreated own mother’s
                                     in January, 2000 contains the following statement  milk grew more rapidly than those fed pasteur-
                            (202)    in the abstract. “Vitamin A is very sensitive to  ized pooled preterm milk and had higher serum
                      363-4394.      chemical degradation caused by oxygen, light,  alkaline phosphatase and lower phosphorus
                 Check out our       heat, and other stress factors. If light and oxygen  values. Serum calcium and 25-hydroxyvitamin D
                        website,     are excluded, the dominant degradation reaction  (25-OHD) concentrations were similar in the two
                           www.      for vitamin A derivatives is heat-induced forma-  groups. Despite the provision of 750 IU vitamin
               tion of kitols, that is, dimers or higher oligomers”  D daily from the 2nd week of life, serum 25-OHD
                                     (Runge FE and Heger R. Use of microcalorimetry  values remained low in a number of infants in
                  for additional     in monitoring stability studies. J Agric Food  both groups, suggesting that either malabsorp-
                    information      Chem. 2000 Jan;48(1):47-55).               tion of vitamin D or hepatic immaturity might
                    and sources                                                 be responsible for the persistently low values.

                   of Real Milk      SALMONELLA                                 Bone gla protein rose significantly after birth and
                       products.          A related error on the CDC site concerns  was correlated with alkaline phosphatase values,
                                     salmonella. The agency’s official advice is: “Cook  but not with 25-OHD or phosphorus values. The

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