Page 75 - Spring2008
P. 75

MSG Update

                                                NEW PROPAGANDA ABOUT MSG
                                                          By Jack L. Samuels

                      It has been our observation that whenever  industry reviews letters submitted to the FDA.
                 the safety of monosodium glutamate and the  Is the glutamate industry concerned about the
                 many other food ingredients that include the reac-  answers to my questions? Certainly the FDA is
                 tive component of monosodium glutamate (col-  concerned since I have not yet received an answer
                 lectively referred to as “MSG”) is under pressure,  to my letter.
                 the glutamate industry aggressively distributes
                 press releases attesting to MSG’s safety. The press  APOLOGISTS FOR MSG
                 releases are typically slanted to give only one side     At the end of 2007, the glutamate industry
                 of the MSG story—the industry side that praises  appeared to be on one of their campaigns to
                 MSG’s alleged benefits. On the other hand, press  convince the public that MSG is safe. Articles

                 releases exposing the dangers of MSG from such  we know of included a small piece in Gourmet
                 groups as the Truth in Labeling Campaign never  magazine and a January, 2008, article from a
                 see the light of day. In swallowing the industry  dietitian at Mayo Clinic.
                 press releases, the media ignore the fact that for     The most deceptive and misleading, how-
                 some people the ingestion of MSG is like taking  ever, was the December 8-9, 2007 Weekend
                 poison.                                    Journal section of The Wall Street Journal, which
                      Why then is the glutamate industry cur-  contained a large article entitled “A New Taste
                 rently publishing articles contending that MSG  Sensation” regarding MSG. The article, by staff
                 is safe? We don’t know for certain, but we sus-  writer Katy McLaughlin, covered two columns of
                 pect that their product is under scrutiny now that  page W1 and the entire page W8. It also appeared
                 pharmaceutical companies are actively introduc-  on the Internet. If one were to read the Wall Street
                 ing effective drugs for various diseases that, as I  Journal article without knowledge of the toxicity
                 previously reported to you, are nothing more than  of MSG, one would think that MSG is the best
                 glutamate blockers. How can glutamate blockers  thing that has come to the food industry since the
                 be fully effective drugs when the FDA is continu-  marketing of sliced bread. Admittedly, one would
                 ally approving and supporting MSG-containing  not object to such an article if the reporting was
                 ingredients in the food arena of the FDA?  balanced, and the dangers of MSG were also
                                                            presented. However, that was not the case. It is
                 TOUGH QUESTIONS                            obvious that Ms. McLaughlin based her article on
                      I asked some tough questions regarding  material from a glutamate organization or from
                 MSG in a recent letter to the commissioner of the  a contact from one or more of these organiza-
                 FDA, such as how can pharmaceutical companies  tions.
                 spend more than 100 million dollars and take 10     McLaughlin’s article was oriented toward a   The media
                 years or more to gain approval of a pharmaceu-  discussion of the claimed fifth taste, umami. For  ignore the

                 tical that contains minute amounts of its active  years we knew of four basic tastes: sweet, salty,   fact that for
                 chemical ingredient, when Senomyx, Inc. is able  sour, and bitter. However, the glutamate industry
                 to market a laboratory-produced chemical that is  has been actively promoting the existence of a   some people
                 used in minute amounts without FDA approval,  fi fth taste, umami.                    the ingestion
                 merely because it will be used in food?         Dr. Kikunae Ikeda first used the word   of MSG is like
                      My letter to the commissioner of the FDA  “umami,” which means savory or deliciousness in
                 is public information. We know that the glutamate  Japanese, to describe his discovery of monosodi-  taking poison.
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