Page 70 - Spring2008
P. 70

GMO Report

                                    HOW TO AVOID GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS
                                                            by Jeffrey Smith

                                        There are plenty of reasons to avoid eating      Could such unsafe food get past our Food and
                                     genetically modified (GM) foods. In fact, after   Drug Administration? It probably wouldn’t have,

                                     reading just 10 pages or listening to an hour-long   if the decision were in the hands of the scientists.
                                     lecture about their health dangers, most people   Memos made public from a lawsuit reveal that
                                     are ready to change their diet on the spot.   the consensus among FDA scientists in the early
                                        If genetically modified organisms (GMOs)   1990s was that GMOs were inherently unsafe and

                                     are not yet on your radar screen, go to www.  could lead to toxins, allergens, new diseases and
                            for a full presentation. Here   nutritional problems. They urged their superiors
                                     is a teaser of what you’ll fi nd:           to require long-term safety studies before any
                                                                                GM foods were allowed on the market. But the
                                     •  The only human feeding study on GMOs ever   political appointee in charge of FDA policy was
                                         conducted showed that genes “jumped” from   the former attorney of the biotech giant Monsanto
                                         GM soy into the DNA of human intestinal   and later the company’s vice president. The
                                         bacteria and continued to function. That   scientists’ warnings were ignored and today the
                                         means that long after you stop eating GM   FDA does not require a single safety study on
                                         soy, you may still have GM proteins pro-  GM foods.
                                         duced continuously inside of you. (What if      The FDA is also the agency that decides
                                         the pesticide-producing “Bt” gene found in   whether or not GM foods need to be labeled. But
                                         GM corn chips were also to jump? It might   the White House told the FDA to promote the
                                         transform our intestinal flora into living   biotech industry, so they nixed labels. Thus, our
                                         pesticide factories—possibly for the long   government ignores the desire of nine out of ten
                                         term.)                                 Americans who want the labels, to support the
                                     •  Most offspring of mother rats fed GM soy   financial interests of five biotech seed companies.

                                         died within three weeks (compared to a 10   We’re on our own.
                                         percent death rate in the non-GM soy group).
                        The only         Similarly, when a lab switched to rat feed   HOW TO MAKE SAFER
                 human feeding           with GM soy, most of the offspring at the   NON-GM CHOICES
                study on GMOs            facility died within two weeks.           There are four major GM crops: soy, corn,
                ever conducted       •  Studies with mice also show reproductive   cotton, and canola. The majority of acreage for
                    showed that          problems. Mice fed GM soy had altered   each of these crops is genetically engineered.
               genes “jumped”            sperm cells and the DNA of their embryos   Herbicide-tolerant varieties of each have their
                                         acted differently.
                                                                                DNA inserted with bacterial genes that allow
                   from GM soy       •  Hundreds of farm workers complain of al-  the crops to survive otherwise deadly doses of
                into the DNA of          lergic reactions when touching GM cotton.  herbicides. This gives farmers more fl exibility
                          human      •  After sheep grazed on GM cotton plants after   in controlling weeds and gives the GM seed

                        intestinal       harvest, about one in four died; about 10,000   company lots more profit. When farmers buy
                    bacteria and         deaths in one region in India.         GM seeds, they sign a contract to buy only that
                   continued to      •  Farmers on three continents say their live-  seed producer’s brand of herbicide. Herbicide
                                         stock became sterile, sick or died, after eating
                                                                                tolerant crops comprise about 80 percent of all
                        function.        GM corn varieties.                     GM plants.
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