Page 65 - Spring2008
P. 65
sugar into carbon dioxide gas (CO ) and ethyl fermentation process. The lactic acid is responsible for the tart taste in
alcohol through the work of yeasts found on the lacto-fermented foods and beverages and naturally preserves the end
food itself and within the culturing agent (kefi r product. In other words, that slight tart fl avor of a fermented food is a
grains, kombucha culture, whey, ginger bug, good thing!
etc.). The more sugar that the solution contains
the more alcohol will be produced. Also, the MAKING BODACIOUS FERMENTED “SODAS”
longer a beverage is allowed to ferment, the There are five key Weston A. Price Foundation resources for the
less sugar it will contain and the more alcohol “how-to’s” of fermented beverages: Nourishing Traditions and Eat Fat
will be produced. In fact, if left to ferment too Lose Fat by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, along with three articles found
long, it may become more like vinegar, as the on the foundation’s website ( Charles Eisenstein
presence of certain benign bacteria convert the offers up easy directions for making homemade fermented soda in his
alcohol to acetic acid. Another factor is oxygen. article titled “Old-Fashioned, Healthy, Lacto-Fermented Soft Drinks: The
The more oxygen the yeast cells are exposed to, Real ‘Real Thing.’” While many soda or small beer makers get technical,
the more they multiply, but the less alcohol they Charles keeps things nice and simple for us average Joes. Charles explains
produce. that “The minimum equipment is a glass fermentation vessel and the mini-
Pregnant women may want to use cau- mum ingredients are sugar, water and the culture. Mix them together and
tion, particularly if these beverages were not fermentation happens.” Sally Fallon wrote two excellent articles, “Kvass
consumed consistently before conception. If the and Kombucha: Gifts from Russia” along with “Fermented Honey,” which
mom’s system is accustomed to the benefi ts and offers recipes for fermented beverages using whey and honey. Read and
detoxification effects of these beverages, they reread each of these resources to learn the basics and then use the informa-
can be consumed in moderation without worry tion along with this article as a guide to come up with your own cultured
during pregnancy. In fact, Fallon explains that soda creations!
the liver-supporting properties of beet kvass and
kombucha help prevent morning sickness. WATER KEFIR GRAIN SODA
According to Fallon, “alcoholic fermenta- This is my favorite lacto-fermented soda. It is not only easy, but you
tion can be minimized by the addition of whey can transform its fl avor in many ways and ferment different liquids. While
and a little sea salt to our beverage preparations. these carbonated sodas are exceedingly easy to make, they require water
The results are pleasantly acidic drinks, some- kefir grains (also called sugar kefir grains), which are gelatinous com-
times slightly bubbly, with complex flavors, munities of yeast and bacteria. Dairy kefi r grains can be converted into
especially if allowed to age for several weeks water kefi r grains, but check with your local WAPF chapter to see whether
or more.” The bacteria in the culturing agent anyone has water kefi r grains to spare; they self-replicate rapidly.
use the sugar to produce lactic acid during the The simplest way to make kefir soda is to use approximately one
Once when Tate was under the weather with a little cold and not showing much enthusiasm for hydrating himself, I
decided to give him a little encouragement with a juice blend that could mask the taste of a few nutritional superfoods.
Thus, Tate’s “juice” recipe was born.
1 cup fresh mineral-rich water
2 to 6 tablespoons water kefir, kombucha, or beet kvass
1 calcium lactate tablet from Standard Process
(the most bio-available source of calcium and vital for many body functions, including the immune system)
1 to 2 teaspoons pomegranate juice concentrate
3 drops stevia extract or other sweetener of choice
Put all ingredients in a sippy cup and shake to dissolve the tablet. Tate truly thinks this is “juice” and will remind me
to add his “medicine” (meaning his calcium tablet). Two additional ingredients may be Congaplex or Immunplex from
Standard Process, especially during an illness or when your little one is around lots of sickies. These two whole food supple-
ments support immune function—just break open the capsules and pour the powder into the juice. Also try substituting
different juice concentrates—blueberry, black cherry or even cranberry.
SPRING 2008 Wise Traditions 65