Page 64 - Spring2008
P. 64
Growing Wise Kids
By Jen Allbritton, CN
Most health-conscious parents are well tubers and fruit. Fallon explains that we have a
aware of the dangers of soda, with its 10 to 12 natural craving for live culture sodas: “We of-
teaspoons of health-eroding sugar per serving, fer the theory that the craving for both alcohol
corrosive phosphoric acid, and copious amounts and soft drinks stems from an ancient collective
of nerve-wrecking caffeine. Youngsters make memory of the kind of lacto-fermented beverages
up the largest soda-drinking portion of the still found in traditional societies.” As we see,
population, which is why it is so critical for us these live culture sodas are just another piece of
as parents to provide tasty, nutritious alterna- the traditional food way of life.
tives. Lacto-fermented beverages are the best of
your beverage choices. They taste fantastic and, A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY
more important, offer outstanding health benefi ts When it comes to fermented beverages,
that your darling little angels won’t even know a little goes a long way. Not only are they su-
about! per-hydrating and supportive to the intestinal
ecosystem, but lacto-fermented beverages are
DRINK TO YOUR HEALTH also quite detoxifying. The process of lacto-fer-
Fermented beverages infuse the gut with mentation with both foods and beverages creates
lactobacilli and lactic acid to sustain their growth, a host of beneficial micro-organisms. Many of
as well as serve up a nice array of enzymes and these bacteria are crucial to detoxifi cation.
nourishing minerals. Water kefi r, honey-lemon- Because of these powerful properties, the
ade, apple cider, beet kvass and sun tea are just average adult will do well to consume around
a few. Traditional populations knew that these four to six ounces and a child would need even
effervescent drinks were more hydrating and less at one time. Quite small amounts might be
thirst-quenching than even water. In Nourishing best for those just getting started. A person’s
Traditions, Sally Fallon writes, “Throughout the optimal quantity can also be influenced by his
world, these lactic-acid-containing drinks have unique sensitivity and the strength of the bever-
been valued for medicinal qualities including age. A good place to start a toddler would be with
the ability to relieve intestinal problems and a few tablespoons mixed into a blend (see Tate’s
Not only are constipation, promote lactation, strengthen the “Juice” recipe).
While lacto-fermented beverages are
sick and promote overall well-being and stamina.
they super- Above all, these drinks were considered superior mildly alcoholic, the amount is minimal and
hydrating and to plain water in their ability to relieve thirst dur- typically of no concern, even for children. For
supportive to ing physical labor. Both soft drinks and alcoholic example, kombucha may contain anywhere be-
beverages—and even plain water—are poor tween 0.08 percent to 2 percent alcohol, while
the intestinal substitutes for these health-promoting bever- beet kvass can contain around one percent. These
ecosystem, ages. Taken with meals they promote thorough are small figures compared to beer that has up
but lacto- and easy digestion of food; taken after physical to 8 percent alcohol. (A healthy body naturally
labor they give a lift by replacing lost mineral produces about one ounce of alcohol per day.)
fermented ions in a way that renews rather than depletes Several factors contribute to the level
beverages the body’s reserves.” of alcohol produced within a lacto-fermented
Traditionally, people used locally available
are also quite foods to make their lacto-fermented beverages, beverage—the amount of sugar, the length of
fermentation and the strength of the cultures.
detoxifying. such as palm sap, coconut juice, herbs, roots, Alcoholic fermentation is the conversion of
64 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008