Page 74 - Spring2008
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the result of dietary, genetic, metabolic, hormonal
                                     THE STEEP PRICE OF                         or toxic factors, including dietary or absorptive

                                     CHOLESTEROL LOWERING                       deficiencies of vitamins B , B  and folic acid.
                                          The most commonly accepted explanation  Because soybeans are totally devoid of B  and
                                     for soy protein’s cholesterol lowering poten-  can increase the body’s requirements for B , they
                                     tial—if and when cholesterol lowering actually  can raise homocysteine levels.
                                     occurs—is stimulation of LDL receptor activ-
                                     ity. As Dr. Knight established, this mechanism  LONGSTANDING CONCERNS
                                     would serve as compensation for a soy-depen-     The third section of our petition docu-
                                     dent increase in bile acid excretion. Because this  mented longstanding concerns in the scientifi c
                                     loss of bile would be accompanied by losses of  community—including warnings from the FDA’s
                                     fat-soluble thyroid and steroid hormones and of  own Laboratory for Toxicological Research, the
                                     fat-soluble vitamins, cholesterol-lowering by soy  National Center for Environmental Health Sci-
                                     protein would be achieved at a steep price.   ences, the Israeli Health Ministry, the French
                                          Dr. Knight furthermore suggested that this  Food Agency and the German Institute for Risk
                                     cholesterol-lowering mechanism would compro-  Assessment—about soy’s possible role in carci-
                                     mise normal levels of the monooxygenase recep-  nogenesis, thyroid disease, reproductive health
                        Because      tor for vialethine, an endogenous regulator of key  problems (including infertility) and other health
                                     metabolic pathways in the body. Vitalethine is  problems.
                 soybeans are        critical to the body’s ability to ward off and fi ght

                           totally   cancers through humoral immunity. Vitalethine  HEARING REQUESTED
                 devoid of B         is made from the amino acid cysteine and panto-     In conclusion we asked the FDA to hold
                                     thenic acid. Although soybeans actually contain  a public hearing on the issues we raised in our
                        and can      good levels of cysteine, there is limited bioavail-  petition.
                                                                                     In 2005, the Weston A. Price Foundation
                   increase the      ability because it is bound up in soy’s protease    protested a soy-prevents-cancer health claim fi led
                          body’s     inhibitors.                                by the Solae Company with the FDA. Solae sub-
                 requirements        HOMOCYSTEINE                               sequently withdrew their petition in the face of
                         for B ,          Dr. McCully’s homocysteine theory of  massive evidence that soy can cause, contribute to
                they can raise       arteriosclerosis is based on evidence that eleva-  and accelerate the growth of cancer, particularly
                                     tion of blood homocysteine concentrations is  breast cancer.
                homocysteine         a major contributing factor in cardiovascular     To read our petition, visit www.http://we-
                           levels.   disease. Homocysteine may become elevated as

                                                                         LOSS OF A MIGHTY WARRIOR

                                                          The Weston A. Price Foundation sadly announces the death of Valerie James,
                                                      mighty warrior against soy infant formula and modern soy foods. Valerie and her
                                                      husband Richard discovered that soy-based bird feed was causing premature
                                                      development, thyroid disorders, reproductive problems and early death in their
                                                      pedigree tropical birds. Through careful research and the help of toxicologist
                                                      Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD, they were able to identify the toxic components—espe-
                                                      cially isoflavones—in soybeans and launched the movement to warn the public
                                                      about this insidious modern food.
                                                          Valerie wrote several articles published in Wise Traditions and now posted on
                                                      our website including “Toxins in Your Toast” and “Advertising and Monkey Busi-
                                                      ness.” The Jameses also provided financial support for our Soy Alert! campaign
                                                      and have requested donations in Valerie’s name to the Soy Alert! campaign of
                                                      the Weston A. Price Foundation.
                                                          Her persistence and concern for the next generation were an inspiration to
                                                      us all and she will be greatly missed.

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