Page 82 - Spring2009
P. 82

Tim’s DVD Reviews

                 The Quality of Calories:                                       Fat Head
                 What Makes Us Fat and Why Nobody Seems to Care                 Tom Naughton
                 By Gary Taubes                                                 Produced by Susan Smiley/
         Vine Street Pictures

                    Gary Taubes gave this presentation at UC Berkeley in November,   Here we have a health video with a sense of
                 2007 in an attempt to challenge the paradigm accepted among experts on  humor. Tom Naughton starts off by asking some
                 why we get fat. The current paradigm states that in order to lose weight,  tough questions about the film “Super Size Me.”
                 we need to eat less and exercise more. Mr. Taubes has noticed that we’ve  For instance, you have to do a whole lot of eating
                 been trying that for one hundred years and it isn’t working.   to take in over 5000 calories a day, as Spurlock
                    Taubes examines other popular theories that attempt to explain obesity.  claimed he did. Even super-sized McMeals three
                 The first is genetics. That one is quickly disposed of by looking at how  times a day need a lot of supplemental desserts
                 fast obesity rates have shot up in recent history in the U.S. In less than a  to add up to 5000 calories. As Tom is talking
                 generation, obesity rates skyrocketed. Nobody believes human genetics  about all this you see many shots of very obese
                 can change that fast.                                          people on the streets. He noted that it took him a
                    So, is excess weight due to excess prosperity? Do we get rich, then  lot longer to find very obese people to film than
                 start eating too much rich, fatty food and play too many video games?  he would have expected based on popular media
                 Many seem to think that is what happened in the U.S. Taubes spends some  and government reports on obesity (and he makes
                 time surveying evidence to refute that theory from around the world.  some interesting points about why that is). So he
                 “Fat Louisa” was a Pima Indian living in 1902 who was significantly  decided to perform his own little experiment.
                 overweight. So were many of her people at that time. They lived on the   Mr. Naughton weighed 206 pounds, his
                 government reservation and were destitute. Before confinement to the  cholesterol was 231, and he had a little over 31
                 reservation they were a very affluent people and almost never overweight.  percent body fat according to his doctor at the
                 After a fairly detailed tour of the world, looking at Sioux, Zulu, Apaches,  start of his twenty-eight-day fast food diet. On
                 African-Americans, Bantu, Cherokee, Jamaicans, Europeans and many  this diet, he concentrated on keeping the carbs
                 others, a pattern emerges. Being poor is much more commonly associated  low and ate plenty of saturated fat. His experi-
                 with being obese than being rich and having unlimited access to rich food  ence is interspersed with interviews of Dr. Al
                 full of saturated fat. So much for the prosperity-equals-obesity theory.  Sears, and Drs. Michael and Mary Eades. We
                    After examining in detail the science of fat metabolism, Taubes  also see the familiar faces of Sally Fallon and
                 suggests a theory that fits all the facts. Studies show that under certain  Dr. Mary Enig several times through the video.
                 circumstances animals can eat unlimited quantities of food and not gain  (There is also a bonus section with more detailed
                 weight. Under other circumstances, they can eat almost nothing and get fat.  interviews loaded with excellent information.)
                 Something controls fat accumulation independent of how much is eaten or  He goes into some detail on the work of Gary
                 how much exercise is done. That something is insulin. He notes that insulin  Taubes, exposing the simplistic fallacy of how
                 production is triggered by carbohydrate intake, not fat. Counting calories  calorie counting is done by mainstream nutrition-
                 in a reducing diet doesn’t work because all calories are not equal.   ists. We learn about the duplicity of the Center for
                    Taubes has spoken with experts who have published the details show-  Science in the Public Interest, which promoted
                 ing the connection between carbohydrates, insulin and weight gain. He  trans fats for years, then turned around and sued
                 asked what makes us fat. He got answers like: we eat too much; we’re too  fast food companies for using trans fat when the
                 sedentary. Old habits and paradigms are apparently hard to break. Gary  prevailing politics on trans fat shifted.
                 Taubes presents very well and is very interesting. I give this presentation   The funniest point in “Fat Head” comes
                 a thumbs up.                                                   when, after twenty-eight days on fast food,
                 80                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2009
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