Page 85 - Spring2009
P. 85

cardamom, and saffron. And yogurt cheese balls  raw as much as possible; however, there are times
                  preserved in olive oil, called labneh anbaris, is  when it is the ideal choice for a certain soup or
                  a popular food in the Middle East (see recipe on  casserole—or you just have an excess supply.
                  page 86).                                 Below are some ideas to help inspire your cre-
                                                            ativity when it comes to using your delectable
                  WAYS TO USE WHEY                          homemade cheese.
                      Whey is the tart, golden liquid known to the
                  Greek doctors of antiquity as “healing water.”  Herby dip: Blend salt, garlic (maybe roasted),
                  In fact, Hippocrates and Galen, two founding  diced onion (white, red or green), a little olive
                  fathers of medicine, frequently recommended  oil and your favorite herbs (dried or fresh) with
                  whey to their patients.  Whey from fully fer-  your curd cheese. Maybe toss in a few pieces of
                  mented milk no longer contains lactose, and with  nitrate-free bacon or a dash of Worcestershire
                  its dose of probiotic organisms will help maintain  sauce for an added kick. Complements vegetables
                  a synergistic balance of the inner ecosystem and  and crackers nicely.
                  encourage repair of gut dysbiosis. Whey also
                  contains a fair number of minerals, particularly  Sweet deliciousness: Blend maple syrup or
                  potassium, and a notable amount of vitamins,  stevia, vanilla and perhaps a little cinnamon,
                  especially B .  So what do you do with all your  nutmeg or jam into your curd cheese. Use as a
                  nourishing whey?                          topping on pancakes or waffles, filling for crêpes,
                                                            frosting or fruit dip.
                  ‡  'ULQN LW  'ULQN LW VWUDLJKW RU PL[ LW LQ ZLWK D
                     fermented beverage or hot tea.         Cashew honey dip: Grind crispy cashews (see
                  ‡  )UHH]H ZKH\ LQWR LFH FXEHV DQG EOHQG WKHP  Nourishing Traditions) in the food processor un-
                     into smoothies for a more slushy texture or  til a fine powder results, add a similar amount of
                     cool-down a beverage on a hot day.     cheese curd. Toss in a scoop of honey and a dash
                  ‡  5HSODFH D SRUWLRQ RI WKH ZDWHU XVHG WR FRRN  of vanilla to taste and blend again. Add cheese
                     grains.                                curd until your desired consistency is reached
                  ‡  ,QFOXGH LQ VRDNLQJ ZDWHU LQ OHJXPHV DQG  and honey to taste. This makes a yummy apple
                     grains to improve digestibility (see Nourish-  dip, but can also be used on top of pancakes or
                     ing Traditions for details).           in crêpes.
                     zucchini, cabbage, cherry chutney, ginger  Mexican dip: Mix cheese curd with salsa,
                     carrots—see Nourishing Traditions by Sally  chopped green onions, shredded Cheddar cheese,
                     Fallon and Wild Fermentation by Sandor El-  and some Mexican spice mix (chili powder,
                     lix Katz.                              oregano, cumin, garlic and onion powder) and
                  ‡  )HHG WR SHWV¥FKLFNHQV  GRJV  FDWV  WKH\ DOO  a sprinkle of salt. Enjoy with homemade corn
                     can benefit from this nourishing liquid.  chips.

                  INSPIRING IDEAS                           Cream soup: Make a simple batch of tomato   and Galen,
                  FOR USING CURD CHEESE                     or broccoli soup and once cooled, stir in some   two
                      Homemade, fresh curd cheese is the perfect  velvety cheese curd to add another dimension.
                  complement or even replacement for sour cream                                        founding
                  in soups or dips and commercial cream cheese  Enhanced-mayo: Replace a scoop or two of   fathers of
                  in spreads or desserts. It even does a fine job  mayo in a recipe, such as chicken or salmon salad   medicine,
                  replacing mayonnaise on occasion. Best of all,  or deviled eggs, with moist cheese curd to give
                  curd cheese will take on any flavor, whether it  your dish a probiotic-boost.        frequently
                  be savory, salty, or sweet, so the sky is the limit                                  recommended
                  when it comes to the possibilities with this in-  Cheese log/ball: Use well-drained cheese curd   whey to their
                  gredient. Heating homemade curd cheese will  and mix in an equal amount of shredded cheese
                  destroy the good bacteria, so I opt to keep mine  of choice. Shape into a log or ball. Roll the log  patients.

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