Page 89 - Spring2009
P. 89
Soy Alert!
By Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD
What’s the first step in soy recovery? Elimi- Soy damages people in a variety of ways
nating soy from the diet, of course, but for the and to various degrees. Accordingly, I cannot
average American this is easier said than done. In recommend a one-size-fits-all approach. There
brief, we must cut out processed, packaged and are no silver bullets or quick fixes. Given the fact
fast foods and return to a traditional diet based that few clients have the funds for comprehensive
on whole foods, real foods and slow foods. laboratory testing, I recommend starting with
The next step is healing the gut, which usu- hair mineral analysis to determine levels and
ally requires eliminating wheat and other gluten- ratios of needed minerals as well as levels of
containing grains, eating lots of homemade, gela- toxic metals such as aluminum, mercury, arsenic,
tin-rich broth and regularly consuming coconut cadmium and lead.
oil and moderate amounts of cultured vegetables.
Probiotic supplements play an important role in HIGH COPPER
gut healing, but I have serious concerns about the A common finding in overly estrogenized
safety of brands that contain Bacillus subtilis or persons is high copper. Soybeans are naturally
other soil-based micro-organisms, especially if high in phytoestrogens, plant estrogens that are
used long-term in high doses. not identical to human estrogens but are close
Other supplements too may be in order as enough to fool the body and cause significant
determined by laboratory testing by your health endocrine disruption. Although women are a
care practitioner. My Soy Alert column in the hundred times more likely to become copper
Spring 2007 issue contains a lengthy discussion toxic than men, anyone who uses soy as meat or
of how to live a soy-free life and achieve gastro- dairy replacements or who adheres to a vegetar-
intestinal healing, ian diet is at risk for copper toxicity. Vegetarian
staples such as nuts, seeds, grains, avocados,
SODD mushrooms and chocolate are all high in copper.
Sadly, for many people these two essential So are liver and shellfish, but individuals who
steps are just the beginning. The symptoms of eat these nutrient-dense foods tend to also eat
Soy Originated Disease and Disorders (SODD) red meat and other animal foods high in zinc.
are many, multi-layered and complex. They And people who consume sufficient zinc are far
may include thyroid damage, immune system less likely to develop copper toxicity. Since the People who
breakdown, reproductive disorders (including phytates in soy block zinc uptake, diets based on
infertility), ADD/ADHD and other behavioral soy represent a fast track to zinc deficiency. consume
and learning disabilities, as well as depression, Many WAPF members have lately been sufficient zinc
anxiety and other mental health issues. Many adhering to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet es- are far less
babies are put on soy formula because of aller- poused by the late Elaine Gottschall. While this
gies and digestive difficulties, and children and restrictive diet has helped many people, those likely to
grownups switch to soy foods and soy milk ini- who get carried away with the nut breads some- develop
tially because of health challenges. These initial times develop copper or manganese overload. copper
health problems must also be addressed in any Copper toxicity is associated with a variety
effective soy recovery program. of reproductive health issues, including PMS, toxicity.
SPRING 2009 Wise Traditions 87