Page 92 - Spring2009
P. 92

NAIS Update

                                                PROTECTING YOUR RIGHT TO FARM:
                                                           By Judith McGeary

                                          Both the proponents and the opponents  to equine infectious anemia. Under this memo,
                                      of the National Animal Identification System  people who refused to have their farms registered
                                      (NAIS) have started the year with a rush. As  would be registered against their will and given
                                      proposed by USDA in 2005, the NAIS would  a special code to indicate their refusal. Animal
                                      require anyone who owns even one livestock  owners who took government-required steps,
                                      animal to register their property, tag each animal  such as testing and vaccinating their animals,
                                      (in most cases using electronic forms of ID), and  would find themselves enrolled in the NAIS
                                      report movements to the government, including  premises registration database with or without
                                      private sales, regional shows, and the death of  their consent.
                                      the animal. In 2006, in response to the public   After the memo was publicized by the Farm
                                      outcry, the USDA stated that the program would  and Ranch Freedom Alliance and Liberty Ark
                                      be voluntary “at the federal level,” and that im-  Coalition, the USDA received numerous protests.
                                      plementation would be done by the states. Since  It then issued another memo. On the first page,
                                      then, both implementation and the efforts to stop  the December memo states that it revokes the
                                      implementation have resulted in a patchwork of  September memo, leading to some reports that
                                      events at the federal and state levels.   the USDA had cancelled mandatory premises
                                                                                registration. But on page 4 of the memo, the
                                      USDA ISSUES MEMOS AND                     USDA included language which still provided
                      Judith McGeary   PROPOSES FEDERALRULETO                   that anyone who had an activity performed on
                    is an attorney and   MANDATE PREMISES REGISTRATION          their property under a federal disease control
                       small farmer in
                 Austin, Texas, and the   The USDA’s interpretation of “voluntary”  program would be assigned a NAIS premises
                  Executive Director of   has been misleading, to say the least. The agency  identification number. The memo was much more
                  the Farm and Ranch   has repeatedly encouraged state efforts that  ambiguous than the original September memo,
                    Freedom Alliance.   either mandate NAIS or use coercive tactics to  but the basic impact appeared unchanged.
                      She has a B.S. in  force people into the program, such as by linking   Presumably in response to the questions
                 Biology from Stanford  it to 4H participation, disaster relief, or existing  raised about its legal authority to take this step
                  University and a J.D.   programs (brand registration, Coggins testing,  through a memo, the USDA proposed a new
                 from the University of   or tuberculosis tagging have been some of the  NAIS rule on January 13. The draft rule would
                   Texas at Austin. She
                and her husband run a   most common).                           make portions of the NAIS mandatory for
                 small grass-based farm   Last September, the USDA took another  thousands of people in every state. Anyone who
                    with sheep, cattle,   step along its path of claiming that the program  participates in federal disease control programs
                   horses, and heritage   is voluntary while simultaneously forcing people  for cattle, sheep, goats or swine will have their
                        breed poultry.  into it. The agency issued a memo to its Veteri-  premises registered. The NAIS Premises Iden-
                    For more informa-  nary Services Management Team that required  tification Number (PIN) will become the only
                  tion about NAIS and   NAIS premises registration for various disease  form of premises identification acceptable for
                     what you can do   program activities. The memo included activities  USDA animal health purposes, with no opt-out
                       to stop it, go to
                  www.farmandranch-   such as vaccinations, testing and applying official  provision. The proposed rule would also limit
              or   ear tags, for programs for every livestock species,  official Animal Identification Numbers to the
                  call 1-512-243-9404.   for diseases ranging from brucellosis to scrapie  NAIS-compliant 840-numbering system, laying
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