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Nickel toxicity may also be a factor. Al- the zinc-to-copper ratio, eliminate toxic copper and manganese if present
though hair mineral analysis is a poor tool to and to eliminate toxic metals from the body.
evaluate nickel status, the very methods used to My article “Mad as a Hatter: How to Avoid Toxic Metals and Clear
eliminate the others will take care of nickel. Them from the Body” in the Summer 2008 issue of Wise Traditions (writ-
Keep in mind that the body eliminates met- ten with Galen D. Knight, PhD) proposes a slow, steady and safe method
als through the hair so hair does not reveal bodily to do so and extensively discusses the many reasons why it is crucial to
stores. This is why people who are suffer from the restoration of good health. Toxic metal removal rarely solves every
adrenal exhaustion or who are otherwise not health problem, but it’s a crucial early step. A properly nourished body
healthy enough to eliminate metals from their freed of the toxic burdens of soy foods and unwanted metals has a far
bodies rarely show metals other than aluminum greater capacity to heal itself and recover from soy. Any remaining health
on their first hair test. Other ratios, however, challenges—including the thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances
will point to the likelihood of “hidden” metals. prevalent among former soy eaters—can then be more efficiently and ef-
Follow-up hair tests at three-month intervals will fectively addressed.
reveal these metals as they come out the hair, and
so should be used to monitor the success of any Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN is the author of The Whole Soy Story: The
detoxification protocol. Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food (New Trends, 2005). Dr.
Daniel is a nutritionist who has worked extensively with clients from all
OPTIMIZATION AND ELIMINATION over the country on recovery from soy and vegetarian diets as well as
I consider it a high priority for SODD suffer- other health challenges, including toxic metal issues. She can be reached
ers to optimize their levels and ratios of sodium, at or 505-266-3252. She recently produced
potassium, calcium and magnesium, to improve a CD “Recovering from Soy.”
Spring 2005 Vitamin B ; Liver; Cobalt in Agriculture; The China Study; Making Yogurt
Summer 2005 Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Homemade Formula FAQs; Vaccinations; Reproductive Health; Baby Food
Summer 2006 Modern Bread; Recovery from Celiac; Naked Oats; Cloth Diapers; Gluten-Free Recipes; Sunburn
Fall 2006 Is Vitamin D Toxic? Sunlight and Melanoma; Saturated Fat Attack; Varicose Veins; Picky Eaters
Winter 2006 History of Organic Agriculture; Making Our World GM-Free; Vitamin D for Infants; Legumes
Spring 2007 Dr. Price’s Activator X; Digestive Fire; Copper-Zinc Imbalance; Adjusting to a Traditional Diet
Winter 2007 Children’s Issue: Gut and Psychology Syndrome; Vitamins for Fetal Development, Traditional Remedies
Spring 2008 Vegetarianism and the Environment; Vegetarianism and Nutrient Deficiencies; Traditional Diets in Russia
Summer 2008 History of Mercury in Medicine; Toxic Metal Cleanse; Agriculture in Ancient Rome
Fall 2008 WAPF Diet Budget; Healthy School Lunch Program; Setting Up a Local Food Club; Raw Milk Illness Reports
Winter 2008 Fat-Soluble Vitamins for Mental Health; Moods and the Immune System; Metals and the Mind
(All articles from sold-out magazines are posted at
Back issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
Healthy Baby Issue: Wrong Advice in Baby Books; Baby Formula; Vaccinations; Baby Food; Gut and Psychology Syndrome
Heart Disease Issue: What Causes Heart Disease? Benefits of High Cholesterol; Oiling of America and more
Special issues are $12 (includes shipping & handling).
28-page Dietary Guidelines Booklets are $1 each (includes shipping & handling), 60 cents each for 100 or more
28-page Dietary Guidelines Booklets in Spanish are $1 each (includes shipping & handling)
Flyers: Real Milk Soy Alert! How to Protect Yourself Against Cancer with Food
All About Trans Fats Cow-Share Programs Myths & Truths About Cholesterol Why Butter is Better
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SPRING 2009 Wise Traditions 89