Page 84 - Spring2009
P. 84

Growing Wise Kids

                                   ENJOYING LITTLE MISS MUFFET’S CURDS AND WHEY
                                                        By Jen Allbritton, CN

                                          Followers of a traditional foods lifestyle  THE HEALING BENEFITS OF
                                      well understand the benefits of cultured dairy  CURD CHEESE
                                      products such as yogurt and kefir. However,   Homemade curd cheese is a well-spring
                                      there is a bit more mystery involved when these  of nourishment. It is packed with protein, rich
                                      nourishing foods are separated into curds and  in healing fats (the best coming from properly
                                      whey. You may be surprised to learn just how  raised grass-fed animals) and, most important,
                                      many scrumptious dishes both these ingredients  is an excellent digestive aid. Fresh, unripened
                                      can make. So while Little Miss Muffet sits on her  cheese made from raw cultured dairy products
                                      tuffet eating her plain curds and whey, get ready  is bursting with probiotic (pro-life) activity.
                                      to indulge your palate with flavorful foods made   Regarding these living friendly bacteria,
                                      with homemade, fresh curd cheese and healing  Sally Fallon explains, “These friendly creatures
                                      liquid whey.                              and their by-products keep pathogens at bay,
                                                                                guard against infectious illness, and aid in the
                                      SEPARATING CURDS FROM WHEY                fullest possible digestion of all food we consume.
                                          The cultured dairy products buttermilk,  Perhaps this is why so many traditional societies
                                      kefir, yogurt and pima milk are wonderful foods  value fermented milk products for their health-
                                      in their own right; however, when separated they  promoting properties and insist on giving them
                                      make beautiful curds and whey. Dry curds can  to the sick, the aged and nursing mothers.” 2
                                      also be referred to as farmer’s cheese, pot cheese   A hallmark practice among traditional
                                      or yogurt cheese. It is creamy or crumbly, de-  cultures is to consume some sort of naturally
                                      pending on how long it has drained, spreadable  preserved, lacto-fermented vegetable, fruit,
                        Children      and brimming with health-giving properties.   beverage, meat and/or condiment at every meal.
                                          A home-made uncultured cream cheese can  Tack homemade curd cheese onto your list of
                     teach us to  be made from milk, cream, yogurt and rennet.  powerfully healing foods. And the best thing is,
                      loosen up,      The details of this process are found in the fun  this cheese is so versatile, your family will be
                        view the      resource, The Home Creamery by Kathy Far-  happy to include this food in any meal!
                                      rell-Kingsley.  After the milk, cream and yogurt
                     world with  are warmed, rennet is added. The mixture sits  TRADITIONAL USES OF
                    awe, give of      a short while until firm curds form and then the  YOGURT CHEESE
                    ourselves in      whole mixture is strained.                    Fresh curd cheese is not a new idea. For
                                          While the above quick home technique  traditional dishes found in the Middle East and
                        ways we       may be an entertaining project on a drizzly  South Asia, this ingredient is often referred to as
                            never     day, I will stick with my easy-as-pie method  strained yogurt, yogurt cheese or Greek yogurt.
                         thought      discussed below. Not only is it easier, but I also  In Greece and Turkey, curd cheese (typically
                                      end up with rennet-free, cultured whey, which  made from goat or sheep’s milk) is used for
                        possible,  is an indispensible ingredient in the kitchen of  tzatziki dip, which also contains cucumbers,
                           and to     the traditional foodie (more on this later). So  garlic, salt, olive oil, pepper, dill and oftentimes
                         practice     throughout this article, it is this latter homemade,  lemon juice and parsley.
                                                                                    In India, the sweet dessert shrikhand is made
                                      cultured version to which I am referring when I
                       patience.  speak of curd cheese or yogurt cheese.        with yogurt cheese, dried and fresh fruit, sugar,
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