Page 91 - Spring2010
P. 91

Healthy Baby Gallery

                                                                             Three-year-old Fatmata
                                                                           came to the U.S. with her
                                                                           Mom and two older sisters
                                                                          in July of 2008 from Liberia.
                                                                             Note Fatmata’s amazing
                                                                             straight and white teeth.
                                                                          According to her mother, in
                                                                          Liberia they ate fresh foods
                                                                              from their gardens and
                                                                           local farms, including corn,
                                                                          chicken, and rice and drank
                    Twins Nicholas and Charlie Grannis grew from four pounds   clean water. Unfortunately,
                    at birth to twenty pounds at six months on our homemade   many refugees turn to sodas
                    raw milk formula. Healthy and happy, the unsuspecting pe-  and processed foods once
                    diatrician even commented on how amazing their skin looked   they reach the U.S.
                    during the winter.

                                                  Hope Angelina Peterson, sixth child of Christy
                                                  Peterson, our Belvair, Washington chapter leader,
                                                  is pictured here at six weeks. During her
                                                  pregnancy, Christy consumed pastured raw milk
                                                  and egg yolks, fermented cod liver oil, grass
                                                  fed liver, lots of sauerkraut, and some of Dr Chris-
                                                  topher’s herbal supplements.  She weighed over
                                                  nine pounds at birth and slept five hours a night
                                                  when she was only a few days old.  She is happy,
                                                  alert and strong!  Christy heard the discharge
                                                  pediatrician at the hospital twice mutter
                                                  incredulously under his breath, “This is a new
                                                  born?” She really wanted to tell him how
                                                  everyone could have newborns like that!

                                             Mary Grace Sodergren, pic-
                                             tured here at three months, was
                                             welcomed into the world by her
                                             parents and two brothers after a
                                             very quick, smooth and well-
                                             nourished labor. From birth, she   Phoebe Li, adopted child of Jacqueline Carroll,
                                             has been extremely calm and         Newburyport, Massachusetts chapter leader,
                                             easy going, which is a great help   is a healthy girl thanks to the meat, vegetable
                                             with all the “loving” she receives   soup, egg yolks and cod liver oil she received in
                                             from her big brothers!            the orphanage in Guangdong Province. “When
                                                                                  we heard what her diet was like, we were so
                                                                                   excited!” says Jacqueline. People still know
                                                                                           what is healthy for babies in some
                                                                                                       parts of the world.

                   Please submit your baby and raw milk granny photos to Liz Pitfield at
                   Be sure to label photographs with the full name of the baby.

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