Page 92 - Spring2010
P. 92

Healthy Baby Gallery

                   Julius Isaiah Gilbert weighed over eight pounds
                   at birth. His mom consumed lots of raw milk,
                   cheese and kefir, grass fed beef and lamb,
                   liver, cod liver oil and fish roe throughout her
                   pregnancy. Julius is a happy, content and alert        Proper nutrition during pregnancy ensured that baby
                   breastfed baby and will enjoy his first egg yolk   Jackson Reese Novak “was born absolutely perfect in every
                   from his family’s own pastured chickens.              way!” says mom Elena Novak. Jackson was exclusively
                                                                    breasfed until twelve months and now, at fourteen months,
                                                                     he is breastfeeding and eating raw milk, wild bison patties,
                                                                            organic produce, butter, high quality cod liver oil,
                                                                      colostrum and many more nourishing, nutritionally dense
                                                                         foods. Jackson is a perfectly happy baby with a sunny
                                                                     personality. “We are thankful for all the guidance we have
                                                                             been receiving from the WAPF!” say his parents.

                   One-year old Rio Miller has been strong
                   and bright since day one. His mom and
                   dad are big milk drinkers and egg eaters.
                   “He is one of the most beautiful babies                  Evan Tisdale enjoys wonderful health at age three
                   I have ever seen,” says chapter leader              months. His mother consumed a WAPF diet—raw milk,
                   Cynthia Calisch, Sarasota, Florida chapter            cod liver oil, coconut oil, butter oil, eggs and pastured
                   leader.                                                meat—for over two years prior to his arrival; Evan is
                                                                          now breastfeeding and getting our raw milk formula
                                                                         as a supplement. He was smiling at four weeks, rolling
                                                                           over at seven weeks and “more alert than we could
                                                                         have possibly imagined.” He was holding his head up
                                                                       on the day he was born. We feel so lucky to have found
                                                                            WAPF,” says mom Sandee Tisdale. The name Evan
                                                                                                  means “young warrior.”

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