Page 81 - Spring2015
P. 81

Department of Agriculture also included a host  WIDER ISSUE                          Raw milk is
          of other deliberately misleading “facts” about     The raw milk issue is symptomatic of a
          raw milk.                                 much wider issue in Irish food, a persistent   the ultimate
              Those producers who are brave enough to  move towards industrialization and sterility in  expression
          bring their raw milk to market still face many  food versus a real unwillingness to recognize   of our
          hurdles and much uncertainty; however we now  the significant role of small farmers and food
          have at least fifteen farmers selling from the farm  producers in the country.       wonder-
          gate, and a few of these are now also selling in     As well as the social consequences of small- ful land and
          local markets and even shops. The authorities  scale direct farming, with a link between pro-  our dairying
          themselves seem unsure of how to handle any  ducers and consumers and a wonderful sense of
          of the farmers selling to local retailers, and even  connection and community, a significant body of   traditions.
          when operators make efforts to register with local  commentators realize that the drive to the bottom
          health or agriculture authorities there is no clear  is not viable for us as a food-producing nation,
          path laid out for them.                   and that we must compete on quality rather than
                                                    commodity produce. Small-scale local suppli-
          REGULATIONS IN PROCESS?                   ers provide a viable economic model for this
              Five years down the road in this campaign,  obviously not limited to raw milk. Sadly whilst
          the government position has changed significant-  the European average for direct sale of food to
          ly. In 2012, the Department of Health declared  consumers is at 22 percent in Ireland it sits at a
          their resistance to a ban in favor of regulating  meager 0.5 percent.
          raw milk, so the Department of Agriculture was     At the first Irish Weston A. Price confer-
          forced to follow suit, though they have had three  ence, held in February 2015, it was heartening
          years to do this now with no progress. We can  to see the level of interest in raw milk for good
          only surmise that they are happy to allow the  nutrition and the support for the continued sale
          state of limbo which exists for farmers wishing  of raw milk in Ireland from the participants.
          to invest in their enterprise or enter the market.     Raw milk is the ultimate expression of our
              Our government’s disregard of the wider  wonderful land and our dairying traditions; its
          issues at play throughout has been frustrating.  continued availability has the potential to provide
          There are so many detailed examples of the  a sustainable economic model for small dairy
          constant and persistent use of phraseology and  farmers. It would be a travesty if the government
          half-truths designed to misinform that it is dif-  does not use the opportunity it has to finally learn
          ficult to be entirely hopeful that we will get a  to work with small farmers and to ask, “What
          good outcome from the latest position. However  can we do to help these farmers get their milk to
          we remain steadfast in our plea to use this pro-  market safely?”
          cess of defining regulations for the production     Further details on
          of raw milk as a template for how we can all
          work together. Our desire is to ensure fair and  Elisabeth Ryan works for Sheridans Cheese-
          straightforward regulations for careful small  mongers. They have been selling cheese and
          farmers, which have been designed scientifically  farmhouse foods in Ireland since 1995. Elisa-
          to minimize actual risk.                  beth Ryan, who came to work with food via a
              Farmers producing raw milk can command  background in wine, has been with Sheridans
          a far greater price than they would from the lo-  for nine years looking after the wholesale side
          cal cooperatives. They can also sustain a much  of the business and is passionate about working
          smaller scale of farming. The sense of satisfac-  with and promoting local artisan produce. Along
          tion they achieve from the fruits of their hard  with Kevin Sheridan, Elisabeth has been active
          labor is not to be underestimated—they can  in getting raw milk to market in Ireland.
          interact with families visiting their farm who are
          greatly appreciative of their work, or they can
          wave off a large bulk metal tanker on its way to
          an industrial co-op.
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           79

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