Page 80 - Spring2015
P. 80

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                                          RAW MILK IN IRELAND
                                                          By Elisabeth Ryan

                                  The sale of raw drinking milk remains tenu-  tion of regulations in order to help minimize
                              ously legal in Ireland due to the work of raw milk  potential risk. We organized a very well-attended
                              supporters who highlighted this issue and forced  public debate in 2011, and representatives from
                              the department of agriculture to change its mind  the food safety authority also took part, though
                              about an outright ban. Now we face new and as  the department of agriculture declined. The utter
                              yet unknown difficulties as our government has  determination of the authorities to stick to the
                              started drafting regulations for the sale of raw  idea of a ban over any other options was evident
                              milk with, as yet, no involvement from the food  at this point. As well as much use of the term
                              community.                                 “Russian Roulette,” one unfortunate panelist
                                  Anyone who has traversed the Emerald Isle  who grew up on a farm referred to himself as “a
                              can attest to the common sight of green pastures  raw milk survivor.” It was evident that a fore-
                              and grazing animals—the high quality of our  gone conclusion had been drawn and that their
                              milk, butter and cheese is a testament to this.  approach was then to go backwards to garner
                              But a significant amount of this highest quality  scientific evidence to support their conclusion
             A Campaign       milk is exported a sinister powdered substances;  that raw milk is a hugely dangerous substance.
            for Real Milk  in fact Ireland is the largest single supplier to the  Science, as we all know, should not start with a
            is a project of  infant formula market worldwide. This is the  conclusion, but rather should reach a conclusion
           the Weston A.      main reason our government wanted to ban the  based on the evidence.
                      Price   sale of raw milk: their fear was, and still is, that
             Foundation.      an illness relating to consumption would single-  THE FIRST PRODUCERS
                              handedly destroy one of the shining lights of our
                                                                            David Tiernan, Aidan and Mary Harney,
                 To obtain    difficult economic situation.              Mary and Gerry Kelly, and Darina Allen were
              some of our                                                the first producers to bottle and sell their raw
              informative     PREVIOUSLY BANNED                          milk—they truly were heroic in the face of all
                Real Milk         The sale of raw milk in Ireland is a recent  they had to do just to sell their milk to the people
               brochures,     phenomenon. When new European regulations  who wanted it. In one early communication from
                              were introduced in 2007 this caused a previous  the Department of Agriculture to brief all mem-
              contact the     ban dating to 1996 to be invalidated. The cam-  bers of the Dáil (the Irish Parliament) about the
           Foundation at  paign for Raw Milk Ireland was formed in 2010,  proposed ban, a reference was made to “a farmer
                     (202)  when the food community realized the implica-  in the northeast taking advantage of the absence
               363-4394.      tions of the new regulations. Sadly, just as soon  of the statutory instrument and selling milk at
           Check out our      as we became aware that sales were permitted,  markets and or local shops despite the depart-
                              the Department of Agriculture, “acting on the  ment’s requests that he not do so.” This farmer
                  website,    advice of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland,”  was David Tiernan, who has since tragically
   clearly indicated to us their intent to introduce a  passed away, and the language used to describe
            for additional  new ban.                                     him in such a way was deeply insulting to him;
              information         The campaign had the support of many dif-  David operated his farm to impeccable standards
              and sources     ferent food and farming organizations as well as  and was exceedingly proud of his milk. In fact
             of Real Milk     some high-profile chefs and a number of back  his inspector told him that the department of
                              bench politicians, and we managed to garner  agriculture would not encourage him to sell raw
                 products.    much media attention. We took a very measured  milk, but he had never received a direct request
                              approach and consistently asked for the introduc-  to cease. The same communication from the
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