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testes or that affect plasma gonadotrophin or sex  their development signified estrogenization, lowered testosterone levels
          hormone concentrations.                   and overall hormonal imbalance.
              Soy industry spokespeople tend to downplay     Can gynecomastia be reversed naturally? It depends, but cleaning up
          side effects from estrogenization and testoster-  the environment and the diet to remove environmental and phytoestrogens
          one-lowering by claiming phytoestrogen con-  are critical first steps. Many clinicians such as Kim Schuette of Biodynamic
          sumption to be protective against prostate cancer  Wellness in Solana Beach, California, report reversals (as described below)
          and atherosclerosis. Although the possibility that  just from eliminating soy milk and soy foods from the diet.
          soy foods or supplements could prevent these     That’s the good news, but sadly not all boys will be so fortunate. In
          deadly conditions makes headlines, few men hear  addition to the obvious factors of dose and duration, a key issue is tim-
          that the downside is demasculinization, which in  ing. The “windows of vulnerability” for phytoestrogen exposure is wide,
          some men manifests as gynecomastia.       and goes from conception to adulthood. High risk windows are in utero,
              Although many studies link soy consump-  infancy, shortly before puberty, and during puberty. That said, men remain
          tion to masculinization, few have looked at  at some risk for “moobs” throughout their lives and so would do well to
          “moobs.” A study for the National Cancer  take it easy on the soy.
          Institute completed at the University of North
          Carolina at Chapel Hill, however, reported that  For further discussion and full references, visit Dr. Kaayla’s “Recovering
          soy-eating men experienced “nipple discharge,  from Modern Diets” blog at
          breast enlargement and slight decreases in tes-
          tosterone.” Although the researchers concluded  Dr. Kaayla Daniel is The Naughty Nutritionist® because she outrageously
          these side effects were inconsequential and few  and humorously debunks nutritional myths, including the myth that soy is
          men would see visible “testicle shrinkage” or  a health food. She is the author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of
          “massive breast enlargement,” the bottom line  America’s Favorite Health Food and co-author with Sally Fallon Morell of
          is the subjects of the study showed feminiza-  the bestselling book Nourishing Broth: An Old Fashioned Remedy for the
          tion from high soy phytoestrogen consumption.  Modern World. Visit Dr. Daniel’s website to subscribe
          Whether their “moobs” came in large or small,  to her newsletter The Naughty Edge and to receive free special reports.

                                                EPIDEMIC OF GYNECOMASTIA

               The number of boys and men challenged with gynecomastia (aka “man boobs”) is on the rise. It is thought that one
           reason for the increase in gynecomastia is the use of certain antipsychotic medications. This week I came across an article
           regarding the prescription drug Risperdal. Risperdal is an antipsychotic drug commonly used for schizophrenia. It is also
           being prescribed for bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, sleep disorders
           and anxiety. As a prolactin-raising drug (which has a dopamine-blocking action) it can considerably increase levels of the
           pituitary hormone prolactin. One of its side effects is excessive breast development in men and in some cases galactorrhea
           (abnormal lactation).
               Dopamine-blocking medications along with the pervasive use of soy isolates in commercial foods are creating a near
           epidemic in America of gynecomastia among boys and men. A few years ago I worked with a mother of two boys, ages
           twelve and fourteen, suffering with gynecomastia. Before using any iodine or other remedies to address the probable hor-
           monal imbalance in both boys, I asked their mother to remove all soy from the diet. As she began to read labels she was
           shocked to learn how much soy her sons were consuming daily. Close to 75 percent of all processed foods in this country
           contain some form of soy protein.
               Within two weeks both boys’ breasts had returned to normal sizes. We have seen similar positive results in those strug-
           gling with ADHD, anxiety and bipolar disorder when the GAPS Diet was implemented. Wouldn’t it be great if all products
           containing soy were required to have a warning label stating that soy can alter hormones in girls, women, boys and men?
           And wouldn’t it be in the best interest of those struggling with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and anxiety to be
           introduced first to the healing principles of the GAPS Diet prior to being prescribed strong medications with a multitude of
           side effects? It is critical that the information so well taught by the WAPF spread to the general public.
               The same boys with the man boobs had an older sister who had decided to become vegetarian. The parents observed
           that almost overnight her bust size doubled. They brought her into my office in order for us to talk her off the vegetarian
           cliff. One month after removing tofu, soy bars and soy milk from her diet and adding wild fish, raw cheese and eggs her
           cup size went from an E to a C.

                                                            Kim Schuette, CN, Biodynamic Wellness, San Diego, California
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