Page 74 - Spring2015
P. 74

Farm and Ranch

                                         FARMERS UPRISING IN POLAND
                                                  By Christina Sarich

                              MARCH 2, 2015: Poland’s largest farmer upris-  FOUR DEMANDS
                              ing ever has occurred as convoys of tractors     The famers have four simple key demands:
                              took to the roads recently in protest of GMO
                              infiltration and land grabs by biotech and Big  •  Regulation of land grabs by primarily West-
                              Ag corporations.                              ern companies (translation—biotech and Big
                                  Thousands of farmers blocked roadways     Ag) to prevent small farmers from losing
                              and held numerous demonstrations in order to   their livelihoods.
                              bring attention to the important issue of food  •  The legalization of direct sale of produce and
                              sovereignty in Poland. Their focus is a ban on   other foods from farms to the people. This
                              GMOs and a restoration of small farmers̕ rights   cuts out the middle man and allows the high-
                              after decades of oppressive health and safety   er quality produce of many farms to reach
                              regulations, which take rights away from small   their customers directly. Poland currently
                              farms and give them to mono-cropping, poison-  has some of the most extreme policies of all
                              ing Big Ag mega-companies.                    of Europe in this regard, making it nearly
                                  The farmers have been stalwart—refusing to   impossible for small farmers to compete
                              call off their demonstrations until their demands   with big food companies who are notorious
                              are met. Rallies and demonstrations have taken   for selling fake and highly processed foods.
                              place around the country—in over fifty locations.  •  Change inheritance laws so that families can
                              Hundreds are picketing government offices in   rightly leave land under lease to their heirs.
                              addition to the road blockades.            •  Ban the cultivation of genetically modified
                                  In the largest organized farmers̕ protest the   organisms.
                              country has likely ever seen, the farmers are de-
                              manding that legislators protect the small farmer     One farmer stated: “We demand the intro-
                              from exploitation by monopolizing companies  duction of legislation that will protect Polish land
                    These     and refuse to sell-off their country’s land to these  from exploitation by foreign capital! Agricultural
          provinces are       behemoths. As the farmers point out, once the  land cannot be sold to commercial companies.
                              land is sold, the Big Ag model can’t be stopped,  It’s part of Polish territory. Once sold it will be
         especially up-       and the land is forever lost.              lost.”
                                  Until government officials agree to talk with
          set about not         the farming unions, they have vowed to keep up  AN INTENSE ESCALATION OF EVENTS
              being able      their efforts. Edward Kosmal, chairman of the     The farmers̕ protests represent a dramatic
             to sell their    farmers̕ protest committee for the West Pomera-  increase in activist fervor that has been boiling

                produce,      nian Region said:                          to the surface for over a year, with marked unrest
                                  “We are ready for dialogue. We look forward  in the northern provinces.

                 which is     to meeting with you, Prime Minister, and begin-     These provinces are especially upset about
                   mostly     ning a comprehensive government commitment  not being able to sell their produce, which is
                  organic     to solving the problems of Polish agriculture. If  mostly organic though uncertified. It is usually
                              you do not enter into a dialogue with the Union,  of higher quality than the food grown on mod-
                  though      we will be forced to step up our protests.”  ern industrial farms. Poland is one of the last
             uncertified.                                                places in Europe where peasant farmers still use
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