Page 70 - Spring2015
P. 70

Tim's DVD Reviews

                              Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret      land, and cows produce enough manure to bury
                              AUM Films, First Spark Media               several large cities and a few small countries.
                                                                         He lists those cities and countries. He does not
                                  Our story opens with Bruce Hamilton of  include Washington, DC, presumably because
                              the Sierra Club expounding on rising carbon  it is already covered. He admits that the amount
                              dioxide levels, rising sea levels, drought, famine,  of water associated with cattle raising is prob-
                              extinction, cats fornicating with dogs, etc. Well,  ably grossly overstated and assumes that water
                              he might not have mentioned that last one, but  disappears from the planet forever once used.
                              in a nutshell, according to Hamilton, we’re all  He looks at grass-based farming but concludes
                              shortly going to die horrible deaths. And then  it is even less sustainable than the conventional
                              the movie gets really depressing.          model.
                                  Kip Andersen interviews a variety of en-     While he was looking at the over-grazing
                              vironmental and health experts. Mr. Andersen  issue, he came across the name of Allan Savory,
                              came across an alarming piece of news from the  and for a brief moment I thought he might come
                              UN that cows are responsible for emitting more  to an intelligent conclusion about grazing. Silly
                              greenhouse gases than the entire transportation  me. Allan Savory made mistakes in his earlier
                              sector combined. When he talked to various envi-  years, some very unfortunate, but learned from
                              ronmental groups about this looming bovine eco-  those mistakes and went on to do some great
                              logical apocalypse he was disappointed at their  work. Andersen fixated on the mistakes and
                              responses. Greenpeace didn’t even want to talk  decided he would not listen to anything said by
                              to him. California government representatives  someone who would make mistakes. If that is his
                              talked to him but had no comment on how too  standard, I’m not sure how he’s finding anyone to
                              many cows are going to do us all in. The Sierra  listen to. He went on to interview a sock puppet
                              Club spoke with him at length but didn’t see any  for the GMO industry but had the wisdom not
                              reason to panic about this cow-tastrophy. One  to listen to the puppet.
                              person somewhat bluntly disagreed with him,     There are more episodes of throwing dubi-
                              which he found bizarre. It’s not clear whether it  ous numbers around. For example, Andersen
                              was bizarre that someone would disagree with  claims we can get fifteen times more protein
                              him or that the very idea that he might be wrong  from plants than animals. There is no thought
                              was bizarre.                               given to what happens when that partial plant
                                  Andersen eventually finds Will Anderson  protein turns out not to be enough. Also no
                              who is a former director of Greenpeace and will  thought about all the nutrients you can’t get from
                              talk to him. Will Anderson starts out by saying  plants. At one point he bemoans the killing of
               The West       that environmental organizations are not telling  all those cows. At another point he recommends
             was not an       the truth about what the world needs from us as  using all crops for humans and not feeding it to
                              a species. Up to that point I agreed with him but  cows. I’m not sure what he thinks is going to
             untouched        he quickly lost me after that.             happen when you stop feeding cows.
              wilderness          Kip Andersen has amassed a blizzard of     From a nutritional point of view this film is
                 sparsely     factoids from his interviews, UN reports, Inter-  a disaster, but it goes well beyond that. It seems
                              net blurbs and Chicken Little. Highlights include  many people, in particular some environmental-
              populated       these familiar items: Cows produce methane. It  ists and those who bloviate about sustainability,

          by a bunch of       takes twenty-five hundred gallons of water to  are operating under false assumptions based
                  vegans.     produce one pound of beef. Rain forests are being  on what the early white settlers (Europeanus
                              torn down to graze cattle. Cattle overgraze the  ignoramus) found when they got here and their
         68                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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