Page 65 - Spring2015
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All Thumbs Book Reviews

          Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections:        If the immune system is weak, no treatment or
          Complementary and Holistic Treatments     drug will make any difference. Mycoplasmas
          for Bartonella and Mycoplasma             can survive pasteurization. There are very long,
          by Stephen Harrod Buhner                  detailed explanations about how they evade im-
          Healing Arts Press                        mune system attacks, spread from one body to
                                                    another, and drain nutrients from those infected
              If you tell the average person you have a  bodies. They scavenge essential vitamins, includ-
          book that contains all known information about  ing vitamin A, amino acids lipids, and minerals.
          Bartonella and mycoplasma, the first question  They are pleomorphic—they can take on differ-
          will probably be, “What is Bartonella?” If you  ent forms when it suits them. They are capable of
          make it through the answer to that question with-  rapid genetic variation and have been implicated
          out triggering more questions, the next question  in the development of cancer. These little bugs
          will be “What is mycoplasma?” Chances are that  are stubborn, devious and difficult.
          even your average doctor doesn’t know much     That’s the bad news. So what’s the good
          about them and couldn’t answer these questions.  news? There is a treatment protocol. One key is
              The items in question are two very oppor-  that mycoplasma is due first and foremost to a
          tunistic, highly adaptable, intracellular parasites  nutrient deficiency. Nutrition is an important part
          that often show up in people with Lyme disease.  of the recovery protocol. Scavenged nutrients
          They can commandeer your immune system for  must be replaced. In addition to nutrition there
          their own nefarious purposes. They complicate  are numerous herbs that can disrupt mycoplasma
          both symptoms and treatment. They can have a  infections. Buhner does not seem to think it is
          big party all over your body and while they are  a coincidence that some of those herbs that can
          having fun, you’re not.                   help with these widespread health problems are
              While you may not have heard much about  thriving, invasive species. He tells us that if we
          these things, they are quite common and have  hear of a plant that is going to destroy the country,
          been around for a long time. Right on the first  ask yourself, “What medicinal qualities does it
          page of his book's introduction Buhner points  have?”
          out that the numbers from the CDC are, as usual,     Buhner does talk about treatment with anti-
          very different from reality. Imagine that. The  biotics. If you must use that option, it is important
          CDC is at war with bacteria but doesn’t collect  that the doctor know what he is dealing with and
          very accurate information on it. Referring to  how to deal with it. The wrong antibiotics will do
          the war on bacteria, David Livermore (bacterial  nothing. The right antibiotics will also do nothing
          resistance researcher and physician) has said, “It  in the long run if you don’t understand how these   If we hear of
          is naïve to think we can win.”            bacteria can hide in bones or other places until   a plant that
              Buhner brings up another good point from  the antibiotics are gone—and then they pick up
          Buckminster Fuller, which is that American  where they left off.                     is going to
          students are taught information that is fifty to     This book is good but it is not an easy read. It   destroy the
          one hundred years out of date. These observa-  is long and goes into extensive detail. You know   country, ask
          tions may explain the general state of research  you’re in trouble when you start seeing Greek
          in America today.                         letters—a lot of them. The author does have a   yourself, “What
              Buhner goes into detailed explanations of  sense of humor but you won’t find a big laugh   medicinal
          mycoplasma first. It is tiny. Four thousand can  on every page unless you are easily amused by   qualities does
          fit into one red blood cell. There are many differ-  the Greek alphabet. The thumb is UP.
          ent strains and they cause even more symptoms.                     Review by Tim Boyd  it have?”
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           63

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