Page 60 - Spring2015
P. 60

T  echnology               as      Ser      vant
                                 Technology as Servant

                              HERBICIDES FROM HELL: THE NEXT GENERATION
                                                    By John Moody

                                  While I have generally focused on the posi-  active ingredient glyphosate) became the herbi-
                              tive contributions technology makes to our lives,  cide par excellence among farmers and suburban
                              and the opportunities it creates to benefit both  home owners alike. Indeed, Roundup is used not
                              people and planet, this column will sadly have  solely for weed control, but also as a desiccant
                              to take a different tack. Technology can bless  to hurry harvest of such crops as wheat. The
                              us, but it can also burden and even bury us. The  problem? It also killed many crop plants along
                              story of herbicides is a somber case of the latter.  with those pesky weeds. The solution? Genetic
                                                                         modification (GM) technology, to create plants
                              WEEDS, WEEDS, EVERYWHERE                   that would withstand dousing with this potent
                                  For home gardeners and food growers,  poison. Roundup's use is so widespread that in
                              weeds can be a perennial problem. The more  2007 it was estimated that just under two hundred
                              the ground is disturbed, the more the weeds  million pounds of it was used in the U.S. alone. 1
                              appear and advance. As agriculture became     Yet people tend not to learn the lesson that
                              more and more dependent upon tillage and soil  nature cannot be scorned. Nor can she be so
                              disturbance,  weeds became  more and  more  easily beaten. Over the past four decades of
                              problematic, especially for larger-scale grow-  herbicide and pesticide dependence, like a drug
                              ers. Intensive monoculture agriculture from the  addict needing ever greater highs, industrial ag
                              Roman Empire on has always faced this issue.  finally hit a snag. The law of diminishing returns
                              The ancient solution was slave or similar cheap  set in. Nature adopted and adapted. She fought
                              manual labor to carry out the back-breaking work  back. As with the rise of antibiotic resistance and
                              of crop cultivation.                       new, deadlier strains of bacterial diseases, weeds
             As with the          For modern agriculture, the solution has  and insects have also adapted to this ill- informed
                    rise of   not been to move toward more environmentally  approach to agriculture.
               antibiotic     sensible, ecologically smart farming systems, but     Now we find ourselves surrounded by
                              to a dependence upon chemicals, especially the  quickly spreading super weeds and super bugs,
               resistance  leftovers from chemical arms developments in  resistant to glyphosate and Bt (found in crops
               and new,       times of war. While many people claim that the  containing a gene from the insect-toxic bacte-
        deadlier strains      U.S. has never experienced a war with invaders  rium Bacillus thuringiensis). Roundup-resistant
                              on its own shores, our native soil, plants and  weeds now occupy well over sixty million acres
             of bacterial     animals would likely differ.               of real estate in the U.S., are found on fifty per-
                diseases,         Defoliants and other warfare chemicals re-  cent of surveyed farms, and include over two
             weeds and        lated to nerve gases were found to be effective  dozen types of plants.  The spread was sudden,
                              not only against enemy troops but to annihilate  expansive and certain.
            insects have  at-home pests, of both the plant and insect vari-     Undaunted, Big Ag came up with a solu-
           also adapted       eties. A new paradigm of agriculture was born,  tion. Supported by nearly all departments of the

                    to this   built not on partnership with nature, but on the  federal government and subsidized heavily by
                                                                         the same, their plan is perfectly positioned to
                              violent terms of war, plunder and domination.
            ill-informed                                                 ensure the continued dominance of industrial
            approach to       GLYPHOSATE GANGBUSTERS                     agriculture at the high cost of citizens’ dollars
                                  Now a household name, and in some circles  and health, while assuring the continued spread
             agriculture.       a four-letter word, Roundup (brand name of the  of new generations of resistant species, both plant
         58                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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