Page 57 - Spring2015
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Just an aside, if the USDA’s office of Nutri-  vegetables with a dollop of butter or cream. Yet   The thought
          tion Policy and Promotion is tasked with giving  the first benefit cited on My Plate for eating veg-
          dietary advice, fine; but what is the meaning of  etables is that they are lowfat, low-calorie, and   of eating plain
          including exercise in the brochure? Running,  contain no cholesterol. Anticipating our human  popcorn and
          jogging, walking and other athletic endeavors do  frailty, the Dictocrats admonish us that “sauces   all those dry
          require fuel from our nutrition, but such counsel  may add fat, calories or cholesterol.” Nevermind
          is clearly beyond the USDA mission. The Diet  that sauces also make vegetables more flavorful   grains makes
          Dictocrats aim to manage not only our calories  and satisfying, not to mention more nutritious.  you want to
          in, but our calories out as well.         And isn’t it much easier to persuade a child to   apply extra
              The meta-message for the colorful, down-  eat those virtuous vegetables with a pat of butter
          loadable MyPlate brochure is that good health  melting over them?                    butter and a
          equals weight loss. Readers are finger-wagged:     After the low-in-fat praise for vegetables,  sprinkling of
          “Think before you eat; is it worth the calories?”  their  nutrient  and  health  benefits  follow  in   fleur de sel
          They are forewarned about restaurant pleasures:  secondary importance, illustrating the official
          “When eating out choose the lower calorie op-  hierarchy of values: condemn fat first and then   seasalt on your
          tion.” They even receive advise to keep a food di-  concede the nutrition content facts. Funny, the fi- next slice of
          ary: “Write down what                                          nal reason presented on   sourdough!
          you eat to keep track of                                       this page is, once again,
          how much.”                                                     that they are lower in
                                                                         calories  per  volume
          SEARCHING  OUT                                                 than other foods.
          THE FATS                                                         We  found  the  same
              Let’s take a look at                                       approach  used  on  the
          the fats on My Plate—                                          “Fruits”  page  of  My
          if you can find them.                                          Plate and for the same
          Fats are scrubbed from                                         low-calorie-content
          the  dairy  section;  the                                      standards. Under a sec-
          only foods allowed in                                          tion  on  how  to  make
          the “Dairy Group” are                                          fruit  more  appealing
          those that “retain their                                       (as if fruits aren’t totally
          calcium,”  which  ex-                                          appealing already), low-
          cludes cream cheese, butter and cream. Can you  fat or fat-free yogurt was suggested for dips and
          imagine being kicked out of your rightful food  smoothies. Guess strawberries and cream are out
          group after thousands of years of serving human-  of the question.
          ity? And consider the insult of replacement by an     You’ve probably heard about the “sandwich”
          outright imposter: soy milk with added calcium  method of delivering bad news: you give good
          is deemed a full-fledged dairy food on My Plate!  news first, then the bad stuff, and end with more
              We looked for fats in the “Protein” section  good news. It seems that those dishing out My
          of My Plate. “Go lean with protein” is the main  Plate information consider the best news about
          consumer takeaway message on this page. Skin-  fruits and vegetables is that they contain very
          less chicken breasts and 95 percent lean ground  little fat. Does that make their vitamin and min-
          beef are at the top of the hit parade, along with  eral content the bad news?
          two servings of seafood a week. Fortunately, they     Sleuthing out the fats in the “Grains” seg-
          haven’t yet invented a process to manufacture  ment on My Plate also proved difficult. Lots of
          lowfat seafood.                           grain-based foods are recommended, grains that
              What about the "Vegetables" on My Plate?  are only palatable topped with butter: whole
          Dr. Weston Price taught that fat is necessary  wheat  bread,  whole  grain  rice,  whole  grain
          for assimilating and metabolizing vitamins and  pancakes, whole oats. The only mention of fats
          minerals in the diet, which is why the Weston A.  was in the negative. We learn that popcorn is a
          Price Foundation recommends always serving  healthy snack, but only if served “with little or
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