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It wasnt until     Adolf Windaus (1876-1959) to work on the  bock Units or Oslo Rat Units defined as “the

          1980 that the       substance of cholesterol and the anti-rachitic  total amount of vitamin D which will produce
                              factor. Windaus and Hess worked together to  a narrow line of calcium deposits in the rachitic
            sequence of  test over thirty different plant substances before  metaphysis of the distal ends of the radii and
           steps leading      they finally isolated ergosterol, a fungal steroid  ulnae of standard rachitic rats in a period of ten
                    to the    from ergot which when irradiated was effective  days.” Steenbock Units were declared to equal
                              in curing rickets. They named this substance  3.2 IUs (international units). To add to the confu-
          production of       vitamin D . It was purified in 1931 by Windaus  sion, also in existence were U.S.P. (United States
          cholcalciferol      and his team who also established its structure  Pharmacopeia) units, ADMA units (American
        in the skin was       in 1936. For this work he was awarded the Nobel  Drug Manufacturers Association), and others. 45
                                                                            After their discovery, vitamins D  and D
                              Prize in chemistry. In 1937 Windaus and Beck
               described  isolated 7-dehydrocholesterol (7 DHC), which  were considered equivalent in vitamin potency, a
             by Michael       when irradiated became vitamin D , present in  confusion that continues today and is propagated
           Holick, PhD,       animals, human skin, and animal-source foods,  by Dr. Holick.  Many recent papers discuss
                              and synthesized it in 1935. Windaus went on to  the biochemical difference. But already early
              one of the  establish the formula for cholesterol, its relation-  papers discussed the fact that more and more
                  current     ship to bile acids, and other functions. 39,41  viosterol (ergosterol) was needed to cure rickets,
                                  It wasn’t until 1980 that the sequence of steps  and that high amounts cause vitamin D hyper-
               vitamin D        leading to the production of cholecalciferol in the  vitaminosis.  Dr. Weston Price, throughout his
                 experts.     skin was described by Michael F. Holick, PhD,  book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,
                              one of the current vitamin D experts.      criticized the overuse of viosterol and considered
                                                                         it dangerous as it led to calcification of the soft
                              HARRY STEENBOCK AND VITAMIN D              tissues. 49
                                  Harry Steenbock (1886-1967) was one of
                              the first students of E.V. McCollum (see page 51)  JOSEPH GOLDBERGER: VITAMIN B
                              at the University of Wisconsin; he later became  AND THE PUZZLE OF PELLAGRA
                              professor of biochemistry at the same university.     Pellagra, from the Italian word meaning
                              He demonstrated in 1924 that irradiation by  “rough skin,” a deficiency disease of vitamin B 3
                              ultraviolet light increased the vitamin D con-  (niacin), was widespread during the American
                              tent of food, especially milk, and that it cured  Civil War and in the southern states of the U.S.
                              rickets in rats. Quaker Oats offered him one  in the nineteenth century. It was very common
                              million dollars for his patent on his technique  among inmates of lunatic asylums and prisons.
                              but Steenbock gave the rights to the Wisconsin     In 1912 around thirty thousand cases were
                              Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), which  reported in South Carolina with a 40 percent
                              he founded with other alumni. WARF then sold  mortality rate. Pellagra commissions were set
                              the patent to Quaker Oats and also licensed the  up by Congress and private individuals, but
                              technology for pharmaceutical companies for the  these authorities denied that pellagra could be
                              patented medical application called “Viosterol,”  caused by malnutrition. The official cause was
                              which eventually almost completely replaced cod  deemed either syphilis, sun exposure, corn toxin,
                              liver oil as a treatment for rickets. 43   or a disease imported by immigrants. In 1914
                                  According to the Vitamin D Council, “in  the Surgeon General appointed Dr. Goldberger
                              1943 the U.S. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals  (1874-1929), an officer in the Public Health Ser-
                              stripped Steenbock of his patent, labeling Pro-  vice and a “seasoned epidemiologist,” himself an
                              fessor Steenbock’s work a ̔discovery̕ and not  immigrant son from the East Coast, to investigate
                              an invention. By that time, Steenbock’s patent  pellagra and determine its cause.
                              had already delivered 7.5 million dollars to the     Dr. Goldberger immediately noted that staffs
                              Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. That  in institutions where pellagra was rampant were
                              is equal to about one hundred million dollars in  not affected by the disease. The inmates and
                              2012.”  44                                 the poor ate diets largely restricted to fatback,
                                  Early on, vitamin D was measured in Steen-  cornmeal, sweet potatoes and molasses. But other
         50                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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