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traces its history back to 1952. PPNF publishes  patients’ diets. The records and artifacts from his   In 1940 Dr.
          Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and will is-  research are also archived at the Price-Pottenger
          sue the 23rd edition of the book in summer 2015.  Nutrition Foundation.              Pottenger
          Together with the Weston A. Price Foundation,                                        founded a
          founded in 1999 by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig,  EARLY PIONEERS                       hospital for
          PhD, these two organizations keep the work of     The course of nutrition science was driven
          Dr. Price alive and relevant today.       by history, politics and economics. During World   treating lung
                                                    War I, just as later in World War II, women took   diseases
          FRANCIS M. POTTENGER, JR.                 the reins in business and industry, as well as   where he
              In conjunction with the work of Dr. Price,  in nutrition science. Dr. Dame Harriette Chick
          Dr. Francis M. Pottenger, Jr. (1901-1967), a  (1875-1977), in charge of the Lister Institute   promoted
          California native and the son of a physician, was  (Institute of Public Health) in London since the   the use of
          best known for his epigenetic work with genera-  beginning of World War I, was concerned with   the diet
          tions of cats and diet, which is documented in  the nutritional deficiency diseases of scurvy,
          his book Pottenger’s Cats.  From 1932 to 1942  beriberi and rickets, which often befell soldiers   principles
          he conducted controlled experiments with over  during military service and affected the course   determined
          nine hundred cats, involving three generations.  not only of battles, but of history. (These diseases   by Dr. Price.
          Dr. Pottenger proved that cats eating fresh meat,  had affected soldiers in the Civil War in America
          raw milk, and cod liver oil remained healthy,  as well. )
          whereas a group of cats eating heated milk and     Along with her colleague, Dr. Elsie Dalyell
          cooked meat began to develop health problems  (1881-1948), Dr. Chick arrived in Vienna, Austria
          and degenerative diseases within the first genera-  in 1919 to minister to Vienna’s children. Vienna
          tion.                                     had been a glorious city and one of the world’s
              Cats in the second and third generations  major medical centers, but with the end of World
          developed degenerative diseases earlier: they be-  War I came the fall of the Hapsburg dynasty (a
          came blind, weak, infertile, with hypothyroidism  fixture since the 1200s) and war’s destructive
          and soft bones, culminating in a short life span.  aftermath of famine, disease, crime and insanity. 1
          Allergies increased up to 90 percent in the cats     Dr. Chick’s experiments with lab animals
          fed processed foods versus only 5 percent in the  showed that rickets was caused by nutritional de-
          cats fed raw foods. Kittens of the third generation  ficiency. She and her colleagues went to Vienna
          of cats fed cooked foods suffered adverse person-  in 1919 to assist with the many post-war cases
          ality changes, with males exhibiting docility and  of childhood rickets. The head of the Kinder
          females aggressiveness. By the fourth generation  Institute in Vienna, Professor Clemens von
          the cats were sterile and could not reproduce.   Pirquet, of Vienna University, as well as many
              Dr. Pottenger also conducted a milk study  other practitioners of the time and before him,
          with the cats, using pasteurized, evaporated,  believed rickets to be an infectious disease and
          sweetened, condensed, and raw milk. Cats on  so consequently no progress had been made in
          raw milk thrived while cats on the other regimens  curing the condition in two centuries. Many in-
          sickened. The changes that Dr. Pottenger saw in  fants and children were dying from the illness. In
          the cats were similar to those observed by Dr.  1909, among infants aged eighteen months or less
          Price in his world travels when groups abandoned  who died, 96 percent were afflicted with rickets.
          their native diets and adopted diets of processed  However, Dr. Chick, working with malnourished
          foods. Some experts claim that today we are see-  children in Viennese clinics, showed that rickets
          ing the results of Pottenger’s fourth generation  could be cured by the administration of whole
          of cats in our younger generations of humans.  milk and cod liver oil. 10,11
              In 1940 Dr. Pottenger founded a hospital for     Rickets, the “English disease,” was common
          treating lung diseases, specifically asthma, where  among impoverished urban children at that time
          he promoted the use of diet principles determined  not only in postwar Europe but also in America.
          by Dr. Price. Butter, cream, raw milk, liver, cod  The condition included soft bones, bandy and
          liver oil, and eggs were the foundation of the  bowed legs, deformed spines, dental caries,
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