Page 54 - Spring2015
P. 54

The vitamin       public health officials and administrators called  twentieth century turned from curing nutritional

         deficiency dis-      his conclusions regarding diet “absurd,” relying  deficiencies and infectious diseases to exploring
                              on the current eugenics theories that only inferior  the role of nutrition in chronic disease, such as
        eases are again       “human wastage” ended up impoverished or in  heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity. The
               appearing      institutions and that susceptibility to disease  new direction began in the 1950s with the start of
            among chil-       was racially determined. Even though Dr. Gold-  the Framingham Heart Study and the research of
                              berger proved through his dietary experiments  “Dr. Cholesterol,” Ancel Keys. Fat, particularly
                     dren,    with convicts that pellagra was a condition of  saturated fat, and cholesterol were identified as
            immigrants,       malnutrition, he was still accused of fudging his  the culprits in the development of heart disease,
          and the poor,       results, and criticized even by E.V. McCollum.  and dietitians were taught to recommend severe
                                                                                                        Sadly, the
                              Totally frustrated, he and six volunteers injected  restrictions of these “villains.”
                 and also     themselves with the blood of pellagra patients, as  Standard American Diet (SAD), largely a result
              subclinical     well as rubbed nose secretions into their mouths,  of the now-failed nutrition policy from the 1950s
            deficiencies      and ingested urine, feces, and skin scabs mixed  onward, resulted in a staggering upward trend in
                              in a flour paste from patients. The fact that they  the incidence of all these diseases.
             are seen in      did not contract pellagra still did not convince     The vitamin deficiency diseases are again
             the general      the medical profession that pellagra was caused  appearing among children, immigrants, and the

             population.      by a vitamin deficiency. But at universities and in  poor, while subclinical deficiencies are also seen
                                                                         in the general population. From 2014 on, sci-
                              Europe, his work was praised and he was nomi-
                              nated twice for a Nobel Prize. Goldberger, again  entists cannot help but admit that this paradigm
                              back in the South, was asked to intervene when  of condemning traditional saturated fats is not
                              an epidemic of pellagra struck after widespread  only just plain wrong but dangerous. Butter is
                              flooding in 1927. He recommended brewer’s  once again becoming popular,  replacing rancid
                              yeast, which was a huge success and saved many  vegetable oils that were pushed so heavily for
                              lives. 1                                   decades.  As in the days of Weston Price, the
                                  Dr. Goldberger died prematurely in 1929 of  nutritional value of the commercial food supply
                              a rare cancer and never succeeded in isolating  continues to decline as processed, artificial and
                              the substance lacking in the diet of those with  genetically modified foods become the mainstay
                              pellagra. Conrad Elevjhem (1901-1962) did so  along with increasingly poor physical and mental
                              when he experimentally fed a similar diet to  health of the American population. 56
                              dogs. They developed “black tongue” and could      Yet burgeoning public awareness and grass-
                              be cured by feeding them nicotinic acid (niacin)  roots initiatives spurred on by organizations
                              contained in fresh meat or brewer’s yeast. With  like the Weston A. Price Foundation continue to
                              the Great Depression, the 1930s saw a resurgence  inspire everyday citizens to take a stand and fight
                              in the incidence of pellagra, also called the dis-  for their food rights by supporting small farmers
                              ease of four Ds: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia  and farmers markets, tending organic gardens,
                              and death. After the discovery of vitamin B  as  and cooking wholesome, delicious meals at home
                              a preventive, pellagra rates fell rapidly. These  where future generations will be nurtured.
                              nutrition advances led to the enrichment of all
                              flour with niacin, along with iron, thiamin and  Sylvia P. Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, a board-
                              riboflavin. After World War II pellagra was  certified and licensed nutritionist, writer and
                              considered a disease of the past. 1        researcher, is a frequent contributor to the
                                  The remainder of the vitamins we know  journal. Her background is in foods, nutrition,
                              today were also discovered in the first half of the  and public health. As "Your Public Health Ad-
                              twentieth century. These include all members  vocate," she keeps you current on controversial
                              of the B-vitamin family, including B  and folic  topics in health and nutrition, analyzes studies
                              acid, as well as vitamin K  and others.    in the field, and provides nutrition counseling
                                                                         services through her website at drsylviaonusic.
                              A NEW FOCUS                                com.
                                  Research  during  the  second  half  of  the
         52                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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