Page 50 - Spring2015
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During the      swollen joints, large heads and mental health  EDWARD AND MAY MELLANBY
                rationing     problems.                                     Sir Edward Mellanby (1864-1955) was a

                                  In a 1917 paper, two pediatricians from New  highly respected British physician and professor
                and food      York found that 90 percent of African-American  of pharmacology at the University of Sheffield
            shortages of      children had rickets. A group of these babies  in England and a true nutrition pioneer who fol-
          World War I,        were fed cod liver oil and matured normally. At  lowed the experimental method to investigate
                              the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the  diseases using puppies and dogs. In 1918 he found
                 Hopkins      twentieth century, numerous researchers worked  that feeding dogs oatmeal caused rickets because
                  studied     on the rickets dilemma. Through experiments  the phytic acid content in the oatmeal reduced
         margarine and        with animals, cod liver oil and sunshine were  the availability of calcium. He discovered that the
                              shown to be keys to solving the puzzle.  The  condition could be cured with cod liver oil. Dr.
           and found it  development of the X-ray by Marie and Pierre  Mellanby concluded that rickets was caused by
               inferior to    Curie led to more understanding of the disease.  a dietary factor. He diagnosed rickets by X-ray
                    butter    Marie was a Polish physicist who was the first  examination, bone-calcium assay, and histology
                              woman to win a Nobel Prize, and the only woman  of bone, and noted that the gross appearance
              because it  to win two of them. During WWI she set up the  of the dogs’ bones was quite similar to that of
                   lacked     first military field radiology centers. 12  rachitic children. 26,27  The missing element was
                                  Casimir Funk (1884-1967) was the first of  a fat-soluble essential dietary factor. He wrote:
              vitamins A        the vitamin hunters to coin the term “vitamines”  “Rickets is a deficiency disease which develops
                   and D.     —vital amines—in 1912 for the unidentified  in consequence of the absence of some accessory
                              substances present in food which could prevent  food factor or factors. It therefore seems probable
                              the diseases scurvy, beriberi and pellagra. Dr.  that the cause of rickets is a diminished intake
                              Funk was a Polish scientist who worked in Paris  of an anti-rachitic factor, which is either [Mc-
                              and also at the Lister Institute during the early  Collum’s] fat-soluble factor A, or has a similar
                              twentieth century. 13                      distribution to it.” 26,27
                                  Frederick Gowland Hopkins (1861-1947), a     Together with his wife, May (1882-1978),
                              British biochemist, was an amazingly influential  the Mellanbys devoted their careers to studying
                              researcher in whose lab many young European  nutritional deficiency diseases, such as rickets
                              scientists trained. Biochemistry was not yet rec-  and pellagra. During World War II, Dr. Mel-
                              ognized as a discipline in the early days of his  lanby acted as a scientific advisor to the British
                              career. His best known work, published in 1912,  War Cabinet and exerted a strong influence on
                              debunked Justus von Liebig’s and others’ long-  government food policy. 28
                              standing belief that pure proteins, carbohydrates,     Lady May Tweedy was a lecturer at Bedford
                              fats, and minerals were all that were needed  College in London when she met Edward Mel-
                              for growth.  He named those yet unidentified  lanby. She was born into a rich merchant family
                              mysterious substances, vital in small quantities  and studied at Cambridge University. After their
                              for animal growth and survival, “accessory food  marriage the focus of her work turned more
                              factors,” later renamed vitamins. It was this work  towards nutritionally related topics. In 1917 she
                              that led to his receiving (together with Christiaan  noticed that the structure of teeth in dogs with
                              Eijkman) the 1929 Nobel Prize in Physiology or  rickets was altered by a change in the diet. In
                              Medicine. He also discovered the amino acid  1918 she began dental research for the Medical
                              tryptophan in 1901.                        Research Council and during the 1920s and
                                  During the rationing and food shortages of  1930s she conducted dietary trials with children
                              World War I, Hopkins studied margarine and  in institutions. She published many papers in
                              found it inferior to butter because it lacked vita-  the British Medical Journal and British Dental
                              mins A and D. In relation to this work, British  Journal. Mrs. Mellanby and associate showed
                              government policy supported vitamin-enriched  that even badly formed teeth attacked by caries
                              margarine in 1926.  Hopkins was President of  could increase their resistance to caries so that
                              the Royal Society from 1930 to 1935. 17    the decay process was slowed and even stopped
                                                                         by the vitamin D in cod liver oil. 28,29
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