Page 45 - Spring2015
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hundred chemicals found in drinking water. A to metallic scents.
huge concern is the fact that a good percentage Sauna therapy should begin slowly. There is no need to rush. Allow
of these toxic chemicals are fat-soluble, ending your body to get used to the heat gradually. Start with twenty-minute sau-
up stored in the body’s fat tissues. More than four nas, gradually working up to thirty to forty minutes over several weeks.
hundred chemicals have been identified in human Stay hydrated by drinking electrolyte-rich water or bone broth after your
tissue, with forty-eight in adipose tissue, at least sauna. Always shower off after the sauna. It is important that you are
forty in breast milk, seventy-three in the liver, showering in filtered water so as not to absorb chloramine or chlorine
and over two hundred fifty in blood plasma. after your pores have opened up from the sauna. You may call my office
David Root, MD, MPH, and his colleagues to discuss the water filters we carry or you can visit
have found that the most effective way to lower If you take a sauna in the evening, follow with a shower and then a quick
the body’s burden of lipophilic (fat-loving) dry brush session. Many people find that a sauna before bedtime assures
chemicals is through exercise (movement), sauna them a nice, restful sleep.
therapy, and the use of niacin. They have seen When it comes to choosing a sauna, there are endless options in today’s
that these combined factors mobilize fat-soluble market. I highly recommend the near-infrared lamp saunas. These saunas
chemicals and a notable portion of the toxic use incandescent red heat lamps for heating. Most far-infrared saunas use
chemicals will be excreted via the sweat. metallic, ceramic, or black carbon elements for heating that mainly emit
An interesting study in Germany compared in the far-infrared range. The electric heating elements are spread around
twenty-two kindergarteners, all of whom were the sauna space. Unfortunately, these far-infrared saunas give off stray
taking a weekly sauna, with a control group of electromagnetic fields that may be extremely harmful. Please avoid these
children who took no saunas. The study lasted types of far-infrared saunas for this reason. To learn more about near-
eighteen weeks, and researchers carefully re- infrared lamp saunas and how to make your own, go to
corded incidences of ear infections, colds and Cedarbrook Saunas ( in Woodinville, Washington makes
upper respiratory conditions. As it turned out, the near-infrared lamp saunas in a cedar frame as well as a more economical
children who took no saunas experienced twice tent sauna. The tent sauna is low profile and a wonderful option. Also
as many sick days as those kindergarteners tak- SaunaSpace in Columbia, Missouri offers a nice range of options. Check
ing a weekly sauna. The researchers concluded them out at Another great source is Country Ray Saunas
that regular sauna therapy improves resistance in Pennsylvania owned by Ben Lap, an Amish furniture maker. Ben can
to infection. be reached at (814) 349-5212.
Saunas provide the benefit of assisting in It is very important to understand that if you are challenged by low
the breakdown of toxins stored in the fat. Ac- blood pressure or hypoadrenia/adrenal fatigue, you must be advised by a
cording to Dr. Michael Schmidt, co-author of qualified health care practitioner, prior to beginning sauna therapy. The
Beyond Antibiotics, “Sweating it out reduces rewards of sauna and other detoxification therapies are abundant but wis-
chemical stress on the body and generally leads dom should be used before implementing any detoxification therapies if
to improved health.” It is important to sweat you have any health concerns.
at a temperature low enough that an inordinate Now that you have a few options for gentle detox therapies that can
amount of electrolytes are not lost. It is advisable be done in the comfort of your own home, start with nourishing yourself
to follow a sauna session with a glass of purified with a proper Weston A. Price diet and pick one simple therapy to begin
water and a pinch of Celtic sea salt or Quinton incorporating into your lifestyle. Keep in mind that detoxification is a
Original Isotonic or QuintEssential minerals. process, not an event. Small, consistent steps will keep you on the path to
Always rinse in clean water immediately after reviving your health and achieving optimal wellness.
a sauna to prevent the skin from reabsorbing
what has been drawn out in the sweat. Remem-
ber, the sweat contains toxic residues from past GRATITUDE
exposures to a wide variety of toxins. I have had The Weston A. Price Foundation is grateful for a generous donation
clients report to me after a couple of months of from the John William Winans Charitable Remainder Trust. These funds
sauna therapy that they are smelling chemicals will be used for our research program to test foods grown in various
coming out through their pores and in their sweat. ways for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and K. We can't think of a better
Everything from the smell of marijuana, which legacy to John and his work than finding out how best to produce foods
was reported to have not been used for twenty to maximize the fat-soluble activators! His generosity will benefit many
years, to nail polish and acrylic nail chemicals generations to come.
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 43
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