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Kim Schuette is a certified nutritionist and a cer- 11. Walker, Morton. “Liver Detoxifications with Coffee Enemas as Employed in the Gerson
Therapy.” Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. July 2001.
tified GAPS practitioner. She has worked in the 12. Lechner, Peter. Proceedings of the Oesterreicher Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie, June 21-23,
field of nutrition since 1999 and introduced the 1984.
GAPS Diet to clients in 2006. She specializes in 13. Hildenbrand, Gar. “The Coffee Enema: What Does it Do? How Does it Work?” Healing
Newsletter, NL #13, May-June, 1986.
real food, nutritional therapy, and biotherapeu- 14. Wattenburg, Lee, Luke Lam, and Velta Sparnins. “Isolation and Identification of Kah-
tic drainage therapies. She serves on the board weol Palmitate and Cafestol Palmitate as Active Constituents of Green Coffee Beans
of directors of the Weston A. Price Foundation that Enhance Glutathione S-Transferase Activity in the Mouse.” Cancer Research. April
1982. 42; 1193.
and is co-chapter leader for the San Diego/ 15. Gerson, Max A. Cancer Therapy, Results of Fifty Cases. San Diego, CA. Gerson Institute,
2002, pages 190, 191, 194, 247, 409, and 418.
Encinitas chapter. For more information, go to 16. Gerson, M. 1979. Physiological Chemistry and Physics 10(5): 449-464, 1979. The Cure of or Her Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy: a Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentation.
office number is (858) 259-6000. 17. Moss, Ralph. “The Royal Flush.”
18. “A Coffee Enema? Now I’ve Heard Everything.” Gerson Healing Newsletter by Gerson
Institute, NL #13 May-June 1986.
REFERENCES 19. Licht, Sidney. “History of Therapeutic Heat.” Therapeutic Heat and Cold. New Haven,
1. For a more detailed understanding see Radical Medicine by CT. Elizabeth Licht Publisher, 1972, pg. 203.
Louisa L. Williams, M.S., D.C., N.D. Rochester, Vermont: 20. Wilson, M.D., Larry. Sauna Therapy for Detoxification and Healing. Prescott, AZ: L.D.
Healing Arts Press, 2011. Wilson Consultants, Inc. 2011.
2. – Heart Disease Facts. American Heart Associa- 21. Sunderman Jr., FW, D.C. Hohnadel, M.A. Evenson, B.B. Wannamaker, and D.S. DahI.
tion – 2015 Heart Disease and Stroke Update, compiled by “Excretion of copper in sweat of patients with Wilson's disease during sauna bathing.”
American Heart Association, Center for Disease Control, Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science 4:407. 1974.
and the National Institute for Health. 22. Stopford, W. Industrial exposure to mercury. In: The biogeochemistry of mercury in the
3. Cowan, Thomas, M.D. The Fourfold Path to Healing. environment, Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, pp. 367-397. 1979.
Washington, D.C. New Trends Publishing, Inc. 2004, 23. Hohnadel D.C, F.W. Sunderman, M.W. Nechay, and M.D. McNeely. “Atomic absorption
pg. 146. spectrometry of nickel, copper, zinc, and lead in sweat collected from healthy subjects
4. Anand, Preetha et al. "Abstract." Pharmaceutical Research during sauna bathing.” Clinical Chemistry 19:1288-1292. 1973.
25.9 (2008): 2097-116. National Center for Biotechnology 24. Root, David, M.D. and Michael Wisner. “Chemical Exposure in the Workplace” California
Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 July Medical-Legal Alert.
2008 25. Seba, DB. “Thermal chamber depuration: A perspective on man in the sauna.” Clinical
5. Williams, Louisa L. Radical Medicine. Rochester, VT: Ecology, 7:1 -12. 1990.
Healing Arts Press, 2011, pg. 176 26. Henderson, O.L. and B.K. Wilson. “Excretion of methadone and metabolites in human
6. “Body Burden: The Pollution in Newborns.” Environ- sweat.” Res Comm Chem Path & Pharmac 5:1-8. 1973.
mental Working Group. 14 July 2005. Web. 27. Vree T.B., A. Muskens, and J.M. Van Possum. “Excretion of amphetamines in human
7. Novak, Arthur, Gladys Clark, and Harold Dupuy. “An- sweat.” Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. 199:311-317. 1972.
timicrobial Activity of Some Ricinoleic and Oleic Acids 28. Ishlyama, I, T. Nagai, T. Nagal, E. Komuro, T. Momose, T., and N. Akimori. (1979) “The
Derivatives.” Journal of the American Oil Chemists significance of drug analysis of sweat in respect to rapid screening for drug abuse.” Z
Society. June 1961. Volume 38, Issue 6, pp. 321-324. Print. Rechtsmed 82:251-256. 1979.
8. Thom, Dickson. UNDA Numbers: An Energetic Journey 29. Root, M.D., David E. and Michael Wisner. “Chemical Exposure in the Workplace.” Cali-
to Homeostasis and Wellness. Scottsdale, AZ. JELD fornia Medical-Legal Alert.
Publishing. 2013. 30. Root, M.D, M.P.H., David. E., David B. Katzin, M.D., PH.D., and David W. Schnare,
9. Ibid. M.D., M.S.P.H. "Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients Presenting Subclinical Signs and
10. Moss, Ralph. “The Royal Flush.” Cancer Chronicles #6 Symptoms of Exposure to Chemicals which Bioaccumulate in Human Tissue.” Presented
and #7. August 1990. at the National Conference on Hazardous Waste and Environmental Emergencies, Cincin-
nati, OH, 1985.
Kentucky raw milk farmer Linda Stone organized a luncheon to introduce health-conscious consumers to local small farmers.
More than sixty-five women showed up
and met farmers selling produce, raw milk
and farm-raised animal products. Chapter
leader Sally O'Boyle has taken the lead to
organize the KY Ag Women for Wellness
movement throughout the state.
LEFT: Courtney Byron, Bath County,
Kentucky co-chapter leader, and Valerie
Samutin of Freedom Run Farm.
RIGHT: Idea-woman Linda Stone of
Brook-Lin Jerseys.
44 Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions
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