Page 43 - Spring2015
P. 43
Keep in mind that coffee enemas are given for the removal of toxic free radicals from the Rather than
for the purpose of detoxification of the liver and serum; and the fluid of the enema then stimulates
blood, not for emptying the bowels. The sub- the visceral nervous system to promote peristal- enjoying long
stances found in coffee, kahweol and cafestol sis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the periods of rest
palmitate, promote the activity of a key enzyme duodenum and out the rectum.” dominated
system, glutathione S-transferase, above the The coffee enema is typically retained for
norm. This system detoxifies a vast array of elec- fifteen minutes and then repeated again for by the para-
trophiles from the bloodstream and, according to fifteen more minutes. Each molecule of blood sympathetic
Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, “must in the body passes through the liver every three branch of the
be regarded as an important mechanism for minutes. During a coffee enema session all the
carcinogen detoxification.” This enzyme group blood cells of the body experience detoxifica- nervous system,
is responsible for neutralizing free radicals. It tion. Coffee enemas have been used for over modern man
is believed that kahweol and cafestol palmitate one hundred years as a generalized detoxification lives in
increase the liver’s production of glutathione by procedure and are perfectly safe when taken as
as much as seven times. directed. They stimulate the liver and gallbladder constant “fight
As previously mentioned, the coffee enema to release stored toxins, increase the liver’s pro- or flight” mode.
works by dilating the bile ducts. As hemorrhoidal duction of the powerful antioxidant, glutathione,
veins and bile ducts are dilated, they neutralize and enhance liver function. As an added bonus,
and excrete toxins, toxic metals, excess hor- many report noticeable improvement in skin,
mones, gallstones, parasites and carcinogens clearing of liver spots on the hands and face, and
from the liver and gallbladder. The coffee travels a brightening of the eyes. To receive complete
through the left hemorrhoidal vein to the portal instructions on how to administer a coffee enema
vein, which delivers the coffee to the liver. As at home, visit my website, biodynamicwellness.
stated by the editors of Physiological Chemistry com.
and Physics, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of
bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic DRY SAUNA THERAPY
cancer breakdown products by the liver and Lastly, but certainly at the top of my list of
dialysis of toxic products from blood across the personal favorites, is the dry sauna. The use of
colonic wall.” the sauna therapy dates back to ancient Rome.
“In addition, theophylline and theobromine, Of the Roman saunas, Sidney Licht writes, “Al-
two other chemicals in coffee, dilate blood ves- though the baths were used largely for cleans-
sels and counter inflammation of the gut; the pal- ing and pleasure, physicians did prescribe the
mitates enhance the enzyme system responsible various forms of available heat for hygiene and
Chapter leaders Maria Atwood and Monica Corrado hold
WAPF literature at the Back to School for Doctors conference,
September 27, 2014. Maria hosted a WAPF booth and signed
up lots of new members.
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 41
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