Page 38 - Spring2015
P. 38

There is no          In this article we will take a three-pronged  through proper nourishment, avoidance of toxic

          better way to       approach to aiding gentle detoxification. The  exposures, and gentle supportive therapies.
                              three principles we will focus on are nourishing
        ensure optimal        the body, protecting the body and supporting the  NOURISH
          detoxification      body. In each of these categories we will touch     There is no better way to ensure optimal
                  than to     on simple steps in everyday life to enhance the  detoxification than to nourish the body properly.
                              body’s ongoing vital task of detoxification. These  In order for the liver to function at optimum
             nourish the      steps involve both the inclusion of those things  levels, a diet rich in nutrient-dense, unadulter-
        body properly.        that encourage ongoing detoxification and the  ated, non-genetically modified real food must
                              removal of those obstacles to proper elimination  be consumed. This diet should be high in fat-
                              and cleansing of the body. Before we step into  soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K  from pastured
                              the three principles, let’s look at the challenges  animals, highlighted by mineral-rich full fat, raw
                              we face in this modern world.              dairy products, homemade bone broths replete in
                                  While civilization has brought many gifts to  minerals and amino acids, and an abundance of
                              mankind, it has also increased our challenges in  organically grown vegetables, some fruits, and
                              the area of disease due to toxicity. Industrialized  properly prepared soaked or fermented grains.
                              countries continue to lead the world in attention  The diet taught by the Weston A. Price Founda-
                              deficit disorder, allergies, anxiety, autoimmunity,  tion is the ideal diet for optimal detoxification
                              arthritis, bowel disorders, cancer, heart disease,  and revival of health.
                              and neurological illnesses. Heart disease and     Over the past fifteen years I have found
                              cancer now rank as the two leading causes of  the short-term therapeutic use of the Gut and

                              death in America. Heart disease claims about  Psychology Syndrome Diet  (GAPS Diet )
                              787,000 deaths annually.  The condition is pri-  developed  by  Natasha  Campbell-McBride,
                              marily the result of calcification of the arteries,  MD, to be the best diet for those desiring gentle
                              which leads to plaque buildup (the body’s attempt  detoxification of the gut, liver, and brain. The
                              to patch arterial lesions). As Tom Cowan, MD,  principles of the GAPS Diet are perfectly in
                              explains, “. . .we have an epidemic of congestive  line with those of the Weston A. Price Founda-
                              heart failure in the recent era of lowfat diets.”  tion. While the GAPS Diet eliminates the use of
                              Dr. Cowan goes on to suggest that we return to  properly prepared grains, it allows most people
                              a diet high in superior animal fats and that we  to benefit from their inclusion upon completing
                              walk regularly. 3                          the GAPS Diet. The GAPS Introduction Diet,
                                  It is understood that the root causes of 90 to  with its emphasis on meat stock, offers a bal-
                              95 percent of all cancers are linked to diet, to-  anced, food-based approach to gently cleanse
                              bacco, stress, radiation and infection.  These are  the body for those serious about using food as
                              all factors that can be altered by our daily choices  their medicine. Upon progressing to the GAPS

                                            WEANING YOURSELF FROM COFFEE

              Another important aspect of nourishing the body and removing obstacles to optimal detoxification is eliminating
           coffee from the diet. Before I lose you, consider the facts: coffee has been demonstrated to dehydrate the body as well
           as deplete the adrenal glands (and the epinephrine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters).  A well-hydrated body is
           essential for proper kidney function. Additionally, coffee increases the heart rate and blood pressure.
              To avoid uncomfortable side effects of stopping coffee cold turkey, wean off your coffee habit gradually over a
           four-week period. Reduce coffee intake by 25 percent every seven days. If, for instance, you are used to drinking eight
           ounces of coffee each morning, reduce this to six ounces each morning for the first week; 4.5 ounces the second week;
           3.4 ounces the third week; 2.5 ounces the fourth week, and then you should easily be able to drop coffee altogether
           after the fourth week.
              Increase water intake to 50 percent of your body weight converted in ounces of purified water, lacto-fermented
           beverage, or broth daily. A pinch of Celtic sea salt may be added to your water to increase its ability to hydrate your cells.
           Herbal teas to consider as coffee substitutes include rooibos, chicory root, dandelion, and herbal combinations such as
           Dandy Blend and Teccino.

         36                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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