Page 34 - Spring2015
P. 34

Given the fact       States were paint and gasoline fumes.  While  exposure to environmental toxins.
              that we all     banned at that time, it persists in our environ-     Since we all have toxins in our systems, the
                              ment to this day. Anytime an old house, office,  testing method I recommend is looking at what
          have toxins in  or apartment is renovated the dust that is released  we are excreting. The body has three main ex-
           our systems,       contains lead, due to its use in white paint. The  cretion avenues to rid itself of its burden. First is
              the testing     research focus on lead should be shifted from  through the skin, second through feces, and third
                              what the effects are into detoxification strategies  through urine. Urine analysis generally provides
               method I  including, among others, chelation therapy.     the most helpful results, although in the case of
         recommend is                                                    screening for heavy metals, fecal testing is also
               looking at     MERCURY                                    very useful.

                                  Mercury is one of the most toxic of all
                                                                            Urine testing is beneficial in determining
           what we are  heavy metals; mercury exposure and its effect  the level of exposure to petrochemicals and
               excreting.     on chronic illness is an ongoing issue. We have  their by-products, and in many cases, the source.
                              extreme exposures such as those at Minimata  There are two commercial laboratories in the
                              Bay in Japan between 1953 and 1960, where  U.S. that do an excellent job of testing urine for
                              a large number of deaths and congenital birth  toxins: U.S. Biotek ( and Genova
                              defects were documented. This is an example  Diagnostics (
                              of a high-level exposure, but there have been     Over the years I have used the U.S. Biotek
                              numerous other studies showing that low levels  test extensively because of its ease of use. Using
                              of this toxic metal, especially methyl mercury,  your first morning urine, you dip a dry strip into
                              have wide ranging effects on fetal development,  the collection, allow it to air dry for a few minutes
                              cardiovascular disease, cognitive function and  then put the dry strip into a bag of desiccant and
                              other chronic illnesses. The authors of this  into an envelope for mailing. Within a few weeks
                              study, led by Karagas, warned that while there  you get the results for the markers for styrene,
                              is some evidence on low-level effects, more re-  benzene, toluene, trimethylbenzene, parabens,
                              search is needed. In my personal opinion, much  phthalates and monoethyl phthalates. A compre-
                              like with lead toxicity, the evidence should point  hensive interpretation is also available which will
                              us primarily towards the treatment of mercury  provide you with safe and scientifically validated
                              toxicity and further research into its effects on  detoxification protocols along with listings of
                              chronic illness.                           potential sources of exposure.
                                                                            There is one more test that is quite impor-
                              HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR TOXIC LOAD           tant. It is the LEAP-MRT from Oxford Biomedi-
                                  Since 1996, I have been looking at differ-  cal ( Xenobiotics (toxins) are a
                              ent testing protocols to determine toxic loads  leading cause of inflammation which in turn
                              in people. For many years, fat biopsy and blood  triggers many chronic illnesses. They are also
                              tests were the gold standard, and to many, they  the main reason why people react badly to foods
                              still are. I feel that this approach is no longer  and food additives. If we take the path of detoxi-
                              necessary as it is expensive and painful. Why,  fication, we also need to address any underlying
                              you might ask? It is because we all have a large  inflammatory reactions until we are clear of the
                              number of toxins in our bodies as we have seen  toxins.
                              in this article.                              LEAP-MRT is a blood test that looks at
                                  Unfortunately, in today’s medical environ-  inflammatory reactions to food and food addi-
                              ment, little thought is given to finding the causes  tives. When my daughter took the test at age nine
                              of chronic illness. Instead, the main focus is on  and followed the recommended diet, her seizure
                              management of the disease once it has appeared  activity dropped by eighty percent within five
                              in an individual. This ill-advised strategy is one  days. Since then, I have seen countless people
                              of the main reasons why our healthcare system  show dramatic improvement in their health after
                              is overwhelmed and expensive.  Seven out of  detoxifying themselves and removing inflamma-
                              ten deaths are due to chronic illness, often due  tory foods from their diets.
                              to lifestyle choices, but in many cases are owing
         32                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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