Page 39 - Spring2015
P. 39
Full Diet, bone broth is introduced and used to and Drug Administration requires no testing of Perhaps there
continue the gut-healing process. ingredients used in personal care products. Most
All processed, refined, and denatured foods ingredients used in skin care contain estrogen- is no more
and beverages must be eliminated from the diet. like compounds and other hormone disruptors. common
This includes pasteurized lowfat dairy products, Many of the chemicals allowed in personal care source of
refined grains and flour products (not properly products are known carcinogens and mutagens.
soaked or fermented), most vegetable oils, and Our world is inundated with literally thou- toxicity than
commercial meats from animals raised in con- sands of environmental toxins that affect our personal care
finement and fed an unnatural diet. I suggest you food, water, air, personal care products, cleaning products.
use Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon Morell products, clothing, and furnishings. It is impor-
as your guide to transitioning your diet. Reading tant that we learn to identify major sources of
the first five chapters will give you a plethora of carcinogenic chemicals and eliminate or mini-
information to establish a diet that will be opti- mize our daily exposures. There are numerous
mal for a lifetime of gentle detoxification. organizations and sources such as the Weston
Once the GAPS Diet has been completed, A. Price Foundation’s “Shopping Guide for
a lifetime commitment to the WAPF diet will Finding the Healthiest Foods in Supermarkets,
ensure provision of the nutrients so essential Health Food Stores and by Mail Order” (available
for healthy liver function and overall optimal through, the “Find Real Food:
detoxification. Dr. Price spoke extensively of the the WAPF Shopping Guide for the Highest Qual-
disease-free elders of the primitive communities ity Foods Available” app, which can be found
he studied where the diets were very high in ani- on iTunes App Store, and the Environmental
mal fats and void of refined sugars and denatured Working Group ( for chemicals in skin
oils. These wise people enjoyed life to the fullest care products. You may also go to my website,
without the suffering so prominent in the aging and receive “Our Fa-
populations of industrialized countries. vorite Non-Toxic Products List” at no charge.
Prudent avoidance of unnecessary phar- In a study spearheaded by the Environmen-
maceuticals, vaccines, toxic dental materials, tal Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with
chemicals, known or suspected toxic personal Commonweal, researchers at two major laborato-
care products, household cleaning products, ries found an average of two hundred industrial
clothing, and furnishings is another key aspect chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood
of supporting your body’s ability to carry out its from ten babies born in August and September
most important task of daily cleansing. of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. Tests revealed a total
Synthetic hormones in the form of the birth of two hundred eighty-seven chemicals in the
control pill, patches and hormone replacement group. The umbilical cord blood of these ten
therapy, including testosterone, deplete the liver children, collected by Red Cross after the cord
of vital nutrients while adding to its toxic load was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product
and upsetting the delicate balance of the body’s ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gaso-
natural steroidal hormones. Other pharmaceuti- line and garbage. Clearly we have unavoidable
cal drugs, including synthetic hormones, disrupt exposures due to air pollution and products used
the vital gut flora leading to digestive insuffi- throughout our communities. Let’s now take a
ciency and a poorly guarded mucosal barrier of look at practical ways we can support the body’s
both the digestive and respiratory tracts. natural detoxification mechanism.
Perhaps there is no more common source
of toxicity than personal care products. These MOVEMENT
include make-up, skin care, sunscreen, and hair Movement is perhaps the most simple and
products. Keep in mind that whatever goes on easily available therapy for encouraging gentle
the skin or scalp ends up in the bloodstream and detoxification. Movement need not be exhaust-
passes into the liver for elimination. The Food ing. In fact, if your exercise routine leaves you
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 37
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