Page 41 - Spring2015
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has the second largest surface area in your body. conception by women for cleansing and toning The skin often
It often appears to be the first to show degenera- the liver. This may help minimize future morn-
tion or imbalances and the last to heal. It weighs ing sickness, which is so common in the first appears to be
almost twice as much as the brain and receives trimester of pregnancy, as the liver is working the first organ
one third of the body's circulation of the blood. overtime to clear excess hormones. Beet kvass to show
The skin assists the body in eliminating can be safely consumed throughout pregnancy.
toxic waste from the body by allowing it to pass Beet kvass assists in cleansing the blood and is degeneration
through the pores via perspiration. Conversely also an excellent support for kidney stones and or imbalances
the skin absorbs toxins from the outside world gallstones. Many report that its regular consump- and the last to
via these same pores. Eventually these toxic tion eventually eliminates liver spots that have
substances, such as chemicals from skin and hair formed on the skin. heal.
care products (including sunscreen), work their Beet kvass provides valuable enzymes and
way into the bloodstream or lymphatic system lactic acid, which is a natural means of preserv-
and must be neutralized by the liver and kidneys ing food and making food less likely to harbor
and then eliminated via the urinary tract or colon. pathogenic bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria are
When the liver and kidneys are overburdened, the chief beneficial bacteria found in Bulgarian
skin eruptions may ensue as toxins overwhelm yogurt.
the skin. The following recipe for beet kvass is from
Chronic exposure to chemicals through toxic Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon Morell,
skin and hair care products, make-up, and work and makes two quarts.
place chemicals, to name a few, will create a
constant burden to your body’s emunctories and 3 medium beets, peeled and coarsely chopped
the entire detoxification process. 1/4 cup homemade whey (optional)
Here are instructions for dry brushing: 1 tablespoon Celtic sea salt
(double if no whey is available)
• Use a natural bristle brush or natural loofah purified non-chlorinated water
sponge. The brush or sponge should be
washed every couple of days using plain Place beets, whey, and salt in a two-quart
soap or Branch Basics and warm water. sterilized glass jar. Add purified water to fill the
• Using a circular motion, gently brush the jar. Stir well and cover tightly. Place in pantry
entire surface of your body, excluding your or cupboard at room temperature for two days or
face. Start with the soles of your feet, always longer. Colder, drier climates will require longer
moving towards the liver, and end with the for fermentation; in hot and humid climates the
palms of your hands. Pay special attention beet kvass will be ready in two days. Refrigerate
to your inner thighs, neck, and armpits. The after fermentation period and enjoy a glass each
head may be brushed but not the face. day!
• Brush for approximately sixty seconds, ide-
ally before bed. COFFEE ENEMA
Enemas are one of the most ancient medi-
LIVER TONIC cal treatments known to man. The oldest known
My favorite liver tonic is beet kvass, a tra- medical text, the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (1500
ditional tonic that was very popular in Russian BCE), records the use of enemas. Enemas were
and Ukrainian cultures dating back to the Middle in use throughout the ancient world in Samaria,
Ages. It was known to offer protection against Babylonia, India, Greece, Africa and China.
infection and to help one deal with hangovers. Greek literature is filled with references to the
Beet kvass is also a probiotic and a digestive therapeutic use of enemas.
aid. Containing many liver-supporting proper- American Indians, as well as pre-Columbian
ties, it is a perfect addition to any detoxification South Americans, crafted enema bags from ani-
program. mal bladders, latex and bones.
Beet kvass can be safely used prior to The use of coffee enemas began in Germany
Wise Traditions SPRING 2015 Wise Traditions 39
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