Page 42 - Spring2015
P. 42

Coffee enemas         during World War I. The following story is an  emas actually opened the bile ducts of the rats.

            appeared in       excerpt from the Townsend Newsletter told by  This enhances liver function.
                              Dr. Jerry Walters:

                                                                            The purpose of the coffee enema is to sup-
            the medical                                                  port the liver in eliminating toxins and to cleanse
            literature as           During World War I, Germany was      the blood. In 1984 Dr. Peter Lechner from Graz,
           early as 1917         surrounded by the allies’ military forces,   Austria stated, “Coffee enemas have a definite
                                 and many imported materials were short
                                                                         effect on the colon which can be observed with
         and remained            or missing for the German citizens.     an endoscope.”  “Dr. Lee Wattenberg and co-
           in the Merck          Among other things, morphine was        workers were able to provide [evidence] in 1981
           Manual until          running very low in supply. Also there   that the palmitic acid found in coffee promotes
                                 was hardly any coffee available to drink.
                                                                         the activity of glutathione S-transferase and other
                    1972.        Moreover, painkillers, anesthetics, and   ligands by manifold times above the norm. It is
                                 other drugs were lacking too. When      this enzyme group which is responsible primarily
                                 soldiers were sent back from the front   for the conjugation of free electrophile radicals
                                 lines, severely wounded, and in need    which the gall bladder will then release.” 13,14
                                 of surgery, there usually was just a bit      Coffee enemas appeared in the medical
                                 of anesthesia available—perhaps only    literature at least as early as 1917 and remained
                                 enough to get them through the surgical   in the Merck Manual until 1972. German scien-
                                 operation.                              tists discovered that coffee was able to open the
                                    Upon the anesthesia wearing off,     bile ducts and increase the production of bile by
                                 obviously the pain set in for the wounded   the liver. Max Gerson, MD, began using coffee
                                 soldier. In many cases, after the doctors   enemas with his patients suffering from tuber-
                                 finished operating, they ordered plain   culosis and then later, with his cancer patients.
                                 water enemas for the patients. But the      Dr. Gerson found that the physical root cause
                                 nurses were desperately looking for     of cancer among his patients was toxicity and nu-
                                 something more to help the soldiers deal   tritional deficiency. He used raw fresh juices and
                                 with their pain.  It happened that there   raw liver to address nutritional deficiencies as
                                 was always coffee brewing, available    well as assist in cleansing the kidneys. As toxins
                                 only for the surgeons to drink. They    were forced out of the tissues, it became neces-
                                 often had to work around the clock, and   sary to support the liver in its ability to eliminate
                                 needed to keep awake by caffeine in the   toxins adequately. Dr. Gerson understood that
                                 beverage. Sometimes, a little of their   the liver becomes overburdened by the continu-
                                 black coffee was left over. Apparently,   ous onslaught of toxins, as well as the release of
                                 some nurse had the idea that, since the   toxic metabolites as the liver breaks down toxins,
                                 coffee was doing the surgeons good,     and that it was necessary to find proper support
                                 perhaps it would also help the soldiers.   for detoxification. He found that detoxification
                                 So, the nurses poured a quantity of the   could best be facilitated through the caffeine in
                                 leftover coffee into the soldier's enema   coffee enemas, absorbed from the descending
                                 buckets. The soldiers receiving coffee   colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries
                                 enemas reported that such ablutions were   the caffeine to the portal vein and the liver. The
                                 doing them some good, and that their    caffeine stimulates the liver and biliary ducts to
                                 pain was much relieved.                 open for release of waste products and toxins into
                                                                         the intestinal tract for excretion.
                                  Upon hearing of the nurses’ observations,     Later, Dr. William Kelley, learning from Dr.
                              two researchers at the German University of  Gerson, implemented the use of coffee enemas
                              Göttingen College of Medicine, O.A. Meyer,  first with himself during his two-year battle
                              MD, and Martin Heubner, MD, decided to study  with pancreatic cancer starting in 1967, and then
                              the effects of caffeine administered rectally to  with his cancer patients until his death in 2005.
                              rats. They published their findings in the German  Both doctors noted remarkable healing in those
                              medical literature, explaining that the coffee en-  patients using coffee enemas.
         40                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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