Page 40 - Spring2015
P. 40

If your    wiped out, you are working too hard and taxing  in Europe during the early Middle Ages as well.

                 exercise     your adrenal glands. Exercise should be ex-  Due to its powerful healing properties, the early
                              hilarating. Gentle stretching, brisk walks, deep  Romans called the plant the Palm of Christ.
         routine leaves       breathing, jumping rope and rebounding are all     The constituents of castor oil that are respon-
              you wiped       forms of movement that stimulate the lymphatic  sible for its therapeutic effect are ricinoleic acid,
            out, you are      system, which is part of the circulatory and im-  comprising 89.5 percent of the oil, and oleic acid,
                              mune systems. It is an open system, acting like  making up three percent. These substances have
            working too       a pump to move toxins to the liver for processing  been studied for their antimicrobial properties
                hard and      and elimination as well as distributing lympho-  and are very effective against several species of
             taxing your      cytes and other white blood cells for immune  bacteria, yeasts, and molds.  As a pack placed
                              support. A stagnant lymphatic system is a sure  over the abdomen, usually with heat applied,
        adrenal glands.       way to slow down the body’s ability to properly  the oil is absorbed into the gut-associated lym-
                              and efficiently detoxify.                  phatic tissue and circulates, providing a soothing,
                                                                         cleansing, antimicrobial, and nutritive treatment.
                              CASTOR OIL PACKS
                                  Another traditional remedy for supporting  DRY BRUSHING
                              the lymphatic system is the castor oil pack. The     Dry skin brushing is a gentle therapy which
                              first recorded use of castor oil packs (expressed  stimulates the skin and, to a certain degree, the
                              from the castor bean, Oleum ricini) was among  underlying lymphatic system. Aside from being
                              the ancient Egyptians, and was commonly used  one of your organs of detoxification, your skin

                                            HOW TO UTILIZE CASTOR OIL PACKS

              The castor oil pack is specific for non-cancerous thyroid nodules, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. Other conditions
          that appear to benefit from castor oil packs include constipation, liver congestion and cirrhosis, cholestatis (sluggish bile
          flow), gallstones, migraines, intestinal disorders, urinary tract disorders, arthritis and joint inflammation, as well as global
              A word of caution: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding should not
          use castor oil. Those persons with intestinal blockage, internal bleeding, acute inflammatory intestinal disease, appendicitis
          or abdominal pain should be under the guidance of a trained health care practitioner before implementing castor oil packs.

          Materials needed:
               •  organic castor oil
               •  piece of cotton flannel, preferably organic
               •  hot water bottle, preferred, or heating pad
               •  hand towel
               •  small sheet of plastic
               •  pillows
               •  baking soda

          1.  Fold flannel into three layers to fit over entire abdomen. May also cover breasts/chest and thyroid gland.
          2.  Soak flannel with castor oil. Fold flannel in half and squeeze excess from pack. Unfold.
          3.  Lie on your back with feet elevated; a pillow under your knees may be used. Place oil-soaked flannel over abdomen,
              cover with a small sheet of plastic and then an old hand towel. Place a hot water bottle or heating pad on top.
          4.  Leave pack on for 45-60 minutes. Practice relaxation breathing by placing one hand on your diaphragm and the other
              on your lower abdomen. As you breathe in, allow your lower abdomen to swell like a balloon. With each breath out,
              relax your jaw and shoulders. Allow all muscles in your body to relax. You may even fall asleep and wear the pack all
          5.  To remove the oil, wash with a solution of 2 tablespoons of baking soda or 1/2 teaspoon Branch Basics  to one quart
          6.  Store flannel in a large zip-lock bag. Add more oil only as needed to keep the pack saturated. Replace the pack after
              it begins to change color.
          7.  For maximum effectiveness, apply the pack as often as possible—at least four consecutive days per week for at least
              4-6 weeks. Daily use provides the most beneficial effects.
         38                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2015                                                               Wise Traditions

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