Page 29 - Spring2015
P. 29

The cost of managing chronic illness in the  ciples of Toxicology, Drs. Karen E. Stine and   If we educate
          U.S. alone is staggering. Estimates from the Cen-  Thomas M. Brown, “Toxicology is the science
          ters for Disease Control put the number at nine  of poisons and has as its focus the study of the   ourselves as to
          hundred eight billion dollars a year.  Three out  adverse effects of chemicals on living organisms.  which toxins
          of every four dollars spent in today’s healthcare  Although any substance in sufficient quantities   we are exposed
          system is on chronic illness.  Obesity has become  (even water) can be a poison, toxicology focuses
          epidemic, which is a grave concern to health  primarily on substances that can cause these   to and how
          experts as it dramatically increases the risk of  adverse effects when administered in relatively  to avoid them
          developing coronary heart disease and diabetes.  small quantities.”                  through our
          The most disturbing part of this situation is how     While the topic of toxicity and how it affects
          it is affecting the young. Over the past twenty  human health is a complex and difficult one, I   choices as
          years, the rate of obesity amongst two- to eleven-  believe that if you know your enemy (toxins) you  consumers,
          years-olds has almost tripled while in twelve- to  are better able to defeat them or avoid them.  we can make
          nineteen-year-olds it has tripled.  One in three
          children born today is likely to develop type 2  HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE              the necessary
          diabetes in his or her lifetime.              When we look at the historical records we  changes.
              If we do not face the reality of the cost—both  find that humans were aware of substances that
          in dollars and in suffering—of chronic illness,  adversely affected our health for millennia.
          our society faces a crisis far greater than the  The ancient Romans were well aware that the
          threat of terrorism. In 2004, I gave a speech in  smokestacks that belched toxic fumes from metal
          Bellevue, Washington where I proposed that the  smelting caused birth defects. The writer Strabo
          healthcare system in the U.S. would financially  commented that they needed to build taller and
          collapse within twenty years if this emergency of  taller chimneys to force the fumes further from
          chronic illness was not addressed and dealt with.  the cities.  By looking at the ice caps in Green-
          No amount of healthcare reform would resolve  land we have noted that lead levels in the atmo-
          this catastrophe.                         sphere during the time of Roman prominence
              Much can and needs to be done in order to  were much higher than the times immediately
          deal with the issue of chronic illness, and the  before and after.
          first step is to acknowledge the problem with     It has also been postulated that the fall of the
          environmental toxicity. Rachel Carson warned  Roman Empire was in part due to their exposure
          us in 1962 in her landmark book, Silent Spring. 7   to lead.  Much of this came from lead-based gob-
          It would eventually lead to the formation of the  lets and water pipes, especially those used by the
          Environmental Protection Agency a decade later,  wealthier citizens. We now know that lead, even
          but now we are faced with a government more  in the smallest doses, can lower IQ, especially
          interested in corporate profits than in the health  in children.  In a paper published in The New
          of its citizens as legislation is being drawn up to  England Journal of Medicine, the authors saw
          strip the EPA of much of its power.       that drops in IQ were higher even in the lowest
              The only way for people to have their voices  exposure levels. Their conclusion was that no
          heard is through education, personal responsibil-  level of lead is acceptable in children.
          ity, and the power of the purse. If we educate     Other civilizations have grappled with toxic-
          ourselves as to which toxins we are exposed to  ity problems but none in quite the same quantity
          and how to avoid them through our choices as  as in today’s world. If even small amounts of
          consumers, we can make the necessary changes.  toxins can cause neurological problems, why
          In this article I hope to inform readers on how  are we not surprised by the explosive increase
          to protect themselves and their families as well  in disorders like autism and ADHD in children
          as society as a whole.                    and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s in adults? 13
              Before we delve more deeply into the subject     While heavy metals have a long history with
          of toxicity and chronic illness we need to define  human populations, petrochemicals do not. Al-
          the term toxicity and the study of it, toxicology.  though the use of petroleum goes back thousands
          Here I would like to quote the authors of Prin-  of years, its uses were limited. It wasn’t until
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           27

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