Page 25 - Spring2015
P. 25

The worst of the extreme diets that are pro-  repeated stress from nutrient-deficient diets, poor lifestyle habits, or ha-
          moted for cleansing and health are zero-carb and  bitual negative thinking, there is no stress honeymoon. Any added stress
          all raw. In zero-carb diets, the body is starved  such as calorie restriction drops the function of the body even further.
          of a major energy source, carbohydrates, while  Elimination and all body activities slow down in these cases. Many modern
          on all raw diets, complete proteins, calories, and  people and health food followers have already pushed the stress envelope.
          many nutrients are missing. Depending on one’s  In these cases, their health will only continue to worsen.
          health condition, different types of carbohydrates     There are additional concerns for health regarding the above-
          and some raw foods are helpful.           mentioned methods beyond those of calories. Green smoothies contain
              Some foods cause real health problems for  goitrogens (from cruciferous plants such as kale) in concentrated doses.
          people, such as artificial sweeteners and the in-  Goitrogens suppress the function of the thyroid, which lowers the metabo-
          dustrially produced polyunsaturated vegetables  lism and weakens the elimination of toxins in addition to all other body
          oils—corn, soy, and others. Certain natural foods  functions.
          such as unfermented soy show evidence of harm     Juicing, smoothie meal replacements, and excessive water consump-
          if eaten regularly or in large amounts.   tion add large volumes of liquids to the body. The excess liquid dilutes
              Some people are allergic or highly sensitive  sodium and causes swelling in the cells, leading to a condition known as
          to foods such as gluten, dairy products and even  hyponatremia. This also causes the metabolism to drop, slowing down
          the nightshade family (tomatoes, potatoes, etc.).  elimination and all bodily functions.
          In my own consultation practice I suggest that
          people avoid foods that they are sensitive to with  DEEPER CLEANSING
          one exception. Often a person who has not eaten     As you can see, the most popular cleansing methods are worthless
          a food for months or longer, will react negatively  at best and dangerous at worst. Real cleansing is effected by a balanced,
          to it. This happens to many people after a long  nourishing diet, a healthy lifestyle, a positive mental attitude, and doing
          period of avoiding gluten, sugar, carbs, meat,  what you really love in life.
          dairy or other natural foods. After reintroducing     In my health counseling practice, I employ a form of East-West visual,
          the restricted foods over an appropriate amount  touch and symptom diagnosis to understand the detox or cleansing needs
          of time for each individual, most do fine eating  of my clients. In Eastern diagnostic systems, there is a holistic idea that a
          them again.                               person’s overall health condition affects that person’s wellbeing.
                                                        There are certain states of health that benefit from strongly stimulating
          THE MYTH OF CALORIE RESTRICTION           the organs of elimination to function more robustly. Certain herbs, foods
              Many cleansing approaches recommend  and supplements can accomplish this.
          intended or unintended calorie restriction by     Other types of health conditions benefit from a fundamental strength-
          juicing or other methods of fasting, green  ening or toning of the organ functions. Certain foods, herbs, and supple-
          smoothie meal replacements and drinking exces-  ments can foster the strength of the eliminative organs: kidneys, colon,
          sive amounts of water. The major problem with  liver, and lungs.
          these approaches is that by reducing calories the     Stimulating the eliminative organs to become active can weaken
          metabolism drops. When the metabolism drops  people who have an overall nutritional or energy deficiency. For the ma-
          by undereating, all bodily functions decrease. As  jority of people, a better cleansing method is to eat and live in a way that
          the metabolism drops, elimination slows down.  best supports the healthy functioning of the body.
          The major myth about fasting is that it causes     A diet that supports proper elimination needs ample calories to fuel
          your body to dump toxins. The only truth to  the metabolism, adequate protein from natural animal foods to support
          this is that when you put your body in a stress  organ functions and structures, saturated fats, adequate carbohydrates
          mode by calorie or nutrient restriction, or other  from grains, sweet vegetables, tubers, and fruit with moderate amounts of
          methods such as extreme exercise, there is a tem-  fiber, cooked and raw vegetables, and natural sugars. A diet that is primar-
          porary increase in stress hormones. The stress  ily natural, organic and wholesome is best. Natural seasonings, healthy
          hormones speed up all functions of the body  beverages, optional moderate alcohol intake and other wholesome foods
          including elimination. This stress “honeymoon”  round out this healthy regimen. An occasional intake of not-so-healthy
          doesn’t last. With the repeated stressors of calo-  foods will not harm healthy persons or hamper their elimination if their
          rie or nutrient restriction, bodily functions slow  routine, daily diet and lifestyle are sound. Diets that are missing any of
          down.                                     the macronutrients of carbohydrates, proteins or fats are the worst for our
              The kicker is that if a person has been under  body’s natural detoxification systems.
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                           23

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